
IAPlatform PHP framework / News: Recent posts

New generation of IAPlatform PHP framework

From now on, a new generation of this framework is in development, you could find it on CVS as /framework module. It contains new object-relational mapping engine, web UI, new user permission system and much more. This framework is being developed in PHP4, but we would like to switch the development to PHP5 as soon as possible. We're looking forward to next release.

Posted by L. Podolka 2005-02-15

iaplatform 0.1.1 released

IAPlatform is an advanced content managment system enabling interaction between its items, various output formats and user-friendly administration. It supports multiple database servers, XML, templates, sessions, etc. IAPlatform is written in object-oriented PHP and uses SQL database and XML documents as data sources.

This release fixes some bugs and adds some new things like alerts before important actions, context help or basic template setting in admin.

Posted by L. Podolka 2004-02-14

iaplatform 0.1.0 released

IAPlatform is an advanced content managment system enabling interaction between its items, various output formats and user-friendly administration. It supports multiple database servers, XML, templates, sessions, etc. IAPlatform is written in object-oriented PHP and uses SQL database and XML documents as data sources.

Posted by L. Podolka 2004-02-13

IAPlatform Core pre-alpha on CVS

I have placed Core source files of IAPlatform on CVS server today. Don't forget to read Quick developer's guide in CVSROOT/main directory before committing any data.

Posted by L. Podolka 2003-02-24

IAPlatform Core pre-alpha almost finished

So we have almost finished the new IAP Core based on SQL and XML. Content managment is based on xml filesystem structure, which alows you to create applications/websites with tree structure and any item can be bounded to an extension, which can be for example catalog, e-zine or e-shop. We are looking forward for your interest. If you are PHP and SQL / XML developer, please help us to make IAPlatform better. Project Admin, podolkal.

Posted by L. Podolka 2003-01-25