
IAP.G2P / News: Recent posts

V2.0.2 released

New functions related to our award-winning (1st place) approach for foreground-/background-separation and leaf counting, as described in our presentation and publication in connection with the CVPPP 2014 workshop in Zurich.

  • A new analysis block to count the number of different colors in the VIS images has been added (BlCountColors).
  • Detect leaf center points block: calculates a eucledian distance map and detects peaks in that image. As a result center points in convex areas are detected (e.g. leaves of rosette plants) (BlDetectLeafCenterPoints).
  • Label leaf areas using advanced graph-based leaf area split line calculations. Only IAP incorporates an advanced graph library (VANTED) utilizing graph visualisation and manipulation commands (BlDetectLeafCenterPoints).... read more
Posted by Christian Klukas 2015-09-02

V2.0.0 released

  • Culmination of a larger number of improvements, both on usability as on feature completeness.
  • Uses a different settings folder path (postfix '2.0') in order to separate settings and stored pipelines from previous versions (1.x), as analysis block names and parameter names changed from version 1.1.x to 2.x.
  • The program documentation (documentation.pdf) may still reflect in part old settings names and analysis block names. In case of difficulty, it is recommended to download and use IAP version 1.1.x, as described in the documentation.pdf from November 2013 (see bottom of title page). Once you are proficient in working with the system, you may update and use version 2.x, which adds new features and is more streamlined. A revision of the documentation will be created over time.
Posted by Christian Klukas 2015-03-18

V1.1.2 released

New Features:

  • The main experiment data file (XML) is stored in compressed form
    (according VFS setting is enabled by default). Loading of compressed
    experiment files is supported. The example result files are now compressed,
    to speed-up the loading when using slow network connections.
  • Improved pipeline block editor window. A context menu ('...' button), can
    be used to disable a block, to insert new blocks, or to remove a block.... read more
Posted by Christian Klukas 2014-04-23

V1.1.1 released

V1.1.1 corrects several bugs and contains support for the loading of Add-ons, which can be used add additional functionality to IAP.

Posted by Christian Klukas 2013-11-22

V1.0.2 released

V1.0.2 corrects the experiment storage space information for experiments, saved to local disk or other storage sites, using VFS. In addition, the memory requirements during loading of experiments from MongoDB databases and during image analysis have been significantly reduced.

Posted by Christian Klukas 2013-08-11

V1.0.1 released

IAP V1.0.1 has been released and contains bug fixes, connected with dataset-loading from temporary defined directory locations. The update contains also some internal reorganization of analysis blocks. Compatibility with V1.0.0 is preserved.

Posted by Christian Klukas 2013-07-26

SourceCode Uploaded

The current developer version of the IAP code has been uploaded. Before the first binary file release is made public for download, the example data set will be prepared to be accessible within the application. Also a news reader component will be added soon, so that it is possible to check for updates and/or news from within the application.

Posted by Christian Klukas 2013-07-08