
HyperTextArea: The simple WYSIWYG editor / News: Recent posts

HyperTextArea v1.0.00.000 has been released

HyperTextArea has been released and is now production ready! Thank you to everyone involved.

Posted by Keith Alperin 2004-09-08

HyperTextArea v0.9.00.005 has been released

This is a bug fix release and constitutes a final release candidate. If no additional bugs are found, then this version will be released as v1.0. Again, a special thanks to the small but growing community that is providing feedback on this product!

Posted by Keith Alperin 2004-06-01

phpWebSite Selects HyperTextArea

phpWebSite ( has just selected HyperTextArea as its built-in WYSIWYG HTML editor. The next version of phpWebSite will ship with HyperTextArea. The HyperTextArea team is thrilled to support this open source product and appreciates the vote of confidence that the phpWebSite team has given to HyperTextArea.

Posted by Keith Alperin 2004-05-13

HyperTextArea v0.9.00.003 has been released

This is a bug fix release and constitutes a final release candidate. If no additional bugs are found, then this version will be released as v1.0. Special thanks to the small but growing community that is providing feedback on this product!

Posted by Keith Alperin 2004-04-25