
#25 watcom compiler support


Under Open Watcom C/C++ x86 32-bit Compiler Driver Program Version 2.0 beta Apr 19 2020 00:50:26 (32-bit)

hbmk2: Compiling Harbour sources... hbmk2: Compiling... include\guilib.h(100): Warning! W138: No newline at end of file include\guilib.h(100): Warning! W138: No newline at end of file include\guilib.h(100): Warning! W138: No newline at end of file include\guilib.h(100): Warning! W138: No newline at end of file source\winapi\animat.c(71): Error! E1011: Symbol 'p' has not been declared hbmk2[hwgui]: Error: Running C/C++ compiler. 1 wcc386.exe -6s -fp6 -onaehtr -s -ei -zp4 -zt0 -oi -zq -bt=nt -DHWG_USE_POINTER_ITEM -w3 -bc -ie:\dev\harbour\include -iinclude source\winapi\animat.c -fo=lib.hbmk\win\watcom\animat.obj


  • Wilfried Brunken

    Hello Oleksii,
    Welcome to HWGUI user group. MNI TNX fer ur support request.
    At the moment, i am very busy to work at the task for "make HWGUI happy for MinGW64".
    I'll retrace your case as soon as possible, need to install the Open Watcom compiler on my little laptop. Please be patient ...
    With commit r2845 i think, the warning W138 should be disappeared.
    And for E1011 i can't get information about file and line number of the error position.
    If you have more information, please post it.

    With regards,
    MNI TNX, 73 es 55 de
    Wilfried, DF7BE

    That are international HAM Radio abbreviations:
    73 = greetinngs
    55 = many success
    MNI TNX = many thanks.

  • Oleksii Myronenko

    Warning W138 is gone.
    About E1011:

    hbmk2: Compiling...
    hbmk2: C/C++ compiler command:
    wcc386.exe -6s -fp6 -onaehtr -s -ei -zp4 -zt0 -oi -zq -bt=nt  -DHWG_USE_POINTER_ITEM -w3 -bc -ie:\dev\harbour\include -iinclude source\winapi\animat.c -fo=lib\.hbmk\win\watcom\animat.obj
    source\winapi\animat.c(71): Error! E1011: Symbol 'p' has not been declared
    hbmk2[hwgui]: Error: Running C/C++ compiler. 1
    wcc386.exe -6s -fp6 -onaehtr -s -ei -zp4 -zt0 -oi -zq -bt=nt  -DHWG_USE_POINTER_ITEM -w3 -bc -ie:\dev\harbour\include -iinclude source\winapi\animat.c -fo=lib\.hbmk\win\watcom\animat.obj


  • Wilfried Brunken

    some files committed: r2849
    Added some instructions, see Changelog.
    Please give feedback, if you need more help.
    Can you send me sample program with your used makefile(s), if you have no succes ?

    With regards, MNI TNX, 73 es 55 de

    DF7BE, Wilfried

  • Oleksii Myronenko

    I'm using watcom from
    For build hwgui i'm use:

    call c:\watcom\owsetenv.bat

    cd hwgui-code\hwgui
    e:\dev\harbour\bin\hbmk2 -trace hwgui.hbp > ....\hwgui.log 2>&1

    Result the same (r2849):

    hbmk2: C/C++ compiler command:
    wcc386.exe -6s -fp6 -onaehtr -s -ei -zp4 -zt0 -oi -zq -bt=nt  -DHWG_USE_POINTER_ITEM -w3 -bc -ie:\dev\harbour\include -iinclude source\winapi\animat.c -fo=lib\.hbmk\win\watcom\animat.obj
    source\winapi\animat.c(71): Error! E1011: Symbol 'p' has not been declared
    hbmk2[hwgui]: Error: Running C/C++ compiler. 1
    wcc386.exe -6s -fp6 -onaehtr -s -ei -zp4 -zt0 -oi -zq -bt=nt  -DHWG_USE_POINTER_ITEM -w3 -bc -ie:\dev\harbour\include -iinclude source\winapi\animat.c -fo=lib\.hbmk\win\watcom\animat.obj


  • Wilfried Brunken

    Hello Oleksii,
    i can not reproduce the error. Sorry.
    Sample programs can also been build.

    Open Watcom C x86 32-bit Optimizing Compiler
    Version 2.0 beta May 30 2020 00:23:28 (32-bit)

    I suggest the following:
    Get the recent code snapshots of Harbour and HWGUI and compile them new
    following the instructions of commit r2849.
    Delete or rename the old install directories of Harbour and HWGUI before build.
    Harbour compilation aborts, but the libraries needed for HWGUI are built at this position.
    Use the environment script "samples\dev\env\pfad_wc.bat".
    Are you shure, that you use a newer version of Harbour ?

    With regards,
    MNI TNX, 73 es 55 de
    DF7BE, Wilfried

  • Oleksii Myronenko


    I don't know from and what is ow-snapshot.7z, as i can see it's ver 2.0 from 2017, but let's wait for result of


    Last edit: Oleksii Myronenko 2020-06-05
  • Oleksii Myronenko

    Ok, with latest ver of ow building process go on, and now error at:

    source\winapi\pager.c(163): Error! E1011: Symbol 'PGF_CALCWIDTH' has not been declared
    source\winapi\pager.c(163): Error! E1054: Expression must be constant
    source\winapi\pager.c(167): Error! E1011: Symbol 'PGF_CALCHEIGHT' has not been declared
    source\winapi\pager.c(167): Error! E1054: Expression must be constant

    PGF_CALCWIDTH and PGF_CALCHEIGHT declared in missing.h, but __WATCOMC__ not defined.

  • Oleksii Myronenko

    If i declared __WATCOMC__ in missing.h i've got:

    wcc386.exe -6s -fp6 -onaehtr -s -ei -zp4 -zt0 -oi -zq -bt=nt  -DHWG_USE_POINTER_ITEM -w3 -bc -ie:\dev\harbour\include -iinclude source\winapi\draw.c -fo=lib\.hbmk\win\watcom\draw.obj
    include\missing.h(70): Warning! W140: Definition of macro 'TME_LEAVE' not identical to previous definition
    include\missing.h(70): Note! N2002: 'TME_LEAVE' defined in: C:\WATCOM\H\NT\winuser.h(1229)
    include\missing.h(93): Warning! W140: Definition of macro 'GetWindowLongPtr' not identical to previous definition
    include\missing.h(93): Note! N2002: 'GetWindowLongPtr' defined in: C:\WATCOM\H\NT\winuser.h(6638)
    include\missing.h(94): Warning! W140: Definition of macro 'SetWindowLongPtr' not identical to previous definition
    include\missing.h(94): Note! N2002: 'SetWindowLongPtr' defined in: C:\WATCOM\H\NT\winuser.h(6686)
    include\missing.h(263): Error! E1019: Tag 'tagPAINTSTRUCT' already defined
    include\missing.h(301): Error! E1022: Missing or misspelled data type near 'TBBUTTON'
    include\missing.h(314): Error! E1022: Missing or misspelled data type near 'HIMAGELIST'
  • Wilfried Brunken

    Hello Oleksii,
    i downloaded the new release ow-snapshot.tar.gz from 2020-06-20 and replaced it.
    The Harbour compile crashes with another error, but can also be ignored
    (Code snapshot from 2020-05-23).
    Concerning to my instructions in samples\dev\compiler\OpenWatcom\OpenWatcom.txt,
    only one warning W303 appeared at HWGUI build.
    I tested the new HWGUI build with 3 sample programs and they run perfect.
    I must add hrect.prg, pager.c, hpager.prg and hrebar.prg to the makefile to build sample a.prg (committed r2857) and CLLOG.
    The problem was in source\winapi\pager.c which has no entry in makefile.wc.
    I created an extra section for OpenWatCom C in include\missing.h
    and fixed the compiler errors (e.g. by removing duplicate definitions).

    The resources do not appear (Icon is the default HWGUI icon)
    I removed the Manifest file from the rc file and this is also fixed.

    For me, the task "watcom compiler support" is done.
    I updated the instructions in file OpenWatcom.txt.

    Please give feedback, if you have success.

    MNI TNX, 73 es 55 de
    DF7BE, Wilfried

    Output logging:

    Datenträger in Laufwerk C: ist OS
    Volumeseriennummer: xxxxxx

    Verzeichnis von C:\hwgui\hwgui-ow\samples\dev\env

    20.06.2020 22:42

    20.06.2020 22:42 ..
    29.05.2020 09:20 1.020 pfad.bat
    29.05.2020 09:20 1.185 pfad64.bat
    01.06.2020 13:47 660 pfad_bc.bat
    06.06.2020 13:19 663 pfad_dm.bat
    06.06.2020 13:19 1.144 pfad_pc.bat
    01.06.2020 13:47 762 pfad_wc.bat
    06.06.2020 13:19 823 Readme.txt
    7 Datei(en), 6.257 Bytes
    2 Verzeichnis(se), 9.220.653.056 Bytes frei


    C:\hwgui\hwgui-ow>dir *.bat
    Datenträger in Laufwerk C: ist OS
    Volumeseriennummer: xxxxxx

    Verzeichnis von C:\hwgui\hwgui-ow

    06.04.2020 22:34 1.042 clean.bat
    02.04.2011 09:34 565 makedll.bat
    06.04.2020 22:34 950 makemngw.bat
    08.06.2020 09:31 395 makemngw64.bat
    01.06.2020 13:47 1.216 make_b32.bat
    06.06.2020 13:19 894 make_pc.bat
    02.04.2011 09:34 429 make_vc.bat
    01.06.2020 13:47 1.361 make_w32.bat
    8 Datei(en), 6.852 Bytes
    0 Verzeichnis(se), 9.220.653.056 Bytes frei

    C:\Harbour_wc\core-master\bin\win\watcom\harbour.exe -iinclude;C:\Harbour_wc\core-master\include -n1 -q0 -w -es2 -gc0 source\winapi\hipedit.prg -oobj\hipedit.c
    source\winapi\control.c(1257): Warning! W303: Parameter 'dwTime' has been defined, but not referenced
    WCC386 -6s -fp6 -onaehtr -s -w3 -ei -zp4 -zt0 -bt=NT -oi -zq -bc -DHWG_USE_POINTER_ITEM -iinclude;C:\Harbour_wc\core-master\include -foobj\hsplash.obj obj\hsplash.c

    Test with 2 sample programs:

    C:\hwgui\hwgui-ow\samples>hbmk.bat dbview.prg

    C:\hwgui\hwgui-ow\samples>hbmk2 testfunc.prg hwgui_xp.rc -i..\include -L..\lib -lhwgui -lprocmisc -lhbxml -lhwgdebug -gui
    hbmk2: Processing environment options: -plat=win -comp=watcom
    Harbour 3.2.0dev (r2004201301)
    Copyright (c) 1999-2020,
    Compiling 'testfunc.prg'...
    Lines 5526, Functions/Procedures 10
    Generating C source output to 'C:\Users\AFULAP~1\AppData\Local\Temp\hbmk_zv3cys.dir\testfunc.c'... Done.

    C:\hwgui\hwgui-ow\samples>hbmk.bat testfunc.prg
    C:\hwgui\hwgui-ow\samples>hbmk2 testfunc.prg hwgui_xp.rc -i..\include -L..\lib -lhwgui -lprocmisc -lhbxml -lhwgdebug -gui
    hbmk2: Processing environment options: -plat=win -comp=watcom
    Harbour 3.2.0dev (r2004201301)
    Copyright (c) 1999-2020,
    Compiling 'testfunc.prg'...
    Lines 5526, Functions/Procedures 10
    Generating C source output to 'C:\Users\AFULAP~1\AppData\Local\Temp\hbmk_zv3cys.dir\testfunc.c'... Done.

    Open Watcom C x86 32-bit Optimizing Compiler
    Version 2.0 beta Jun 20 2020 00:24:42 (32-bit)
    Copyright (c) 2002-2020 The Open Watcom Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
    Portions Copyright (c) 1984-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    Source code is available under the Sybase Open Watcom Public License.
    See for details.

  • Oleksii Myronenko

    rev 2857, all fine now. Thanks.

    p.s. i'm build harbour with latest openwatcom without any errors, all fine here. I have been such error long time ago, but i don't remember what i do to fix it, maybe CLEAN build helps.

  • Oleksii Myronenko

    Building designer error:

    Lines 4649, Functions/Procedures 8
    Generating C source output to 'c:\tmp\hbmk_ju3ea4.dir\editor.c'... Done.
    hbmk2: Resource compiler command:
    wrc.exe -q -r  -ie:\dev\harbour\include -iinclude -zm utils\designer\designer.rc -fo=c:\tmp\hbmk_ju3ea4.dir\designer.res -bt=nt
    Error! E060: Can't find file "WindowsXP.Manifest".
    Error! E024: Error reading temporary file "Temporary file 1 (res)": .
    utils\designer\designer.rc(3): Error! E049: Syntax error near "/"
    hbmk2[designer]: Error: Running resource compiler. 8
    wrc.exe -q -r  -ie:\dev\harbour\include -iinclude -zm utils\designer\designer.rc -fo=c:\tmp\hbmk_ju3ea4.dir\designer.res -bt=nt
  • Wilfried Brunken

    Hello Oleksii,
    for immediate usage of the designer i
    committed a set of build scripts.
    Ignore following warning:
    Warning! W1008: cannot open hbactivex.lib : No such file or directory
    Nevertheless the designer works.
    (This warning does not appear with MinGW32).

    Because i am very busy, i will
    deliver the next build scripts
    for utils and contrib libs later
    during this week, please be patient.

    With regards,
    MNI TNX, 73 es 55 de
    DF7BE, Wilfried

  • Wilfried Brunken

    Hello Oleksii,
    i committed the rest of the build scripts (r2859).
    The utils are running, but i had some trouble with
    hwmake and hwreport in the contrib directory.

    Could you do me a favour:
    In hwreport the resource file compiler reports for "repbuild2.rc"
    (is a copy of repbuild.rc) a lot of syntax errors.
    The syntax is for Borland C.
    Could you try to fix the errors an send me the rc file
    via the post of this ticket, because i am now very busy.
    The original rc file contains for the icon hex values,
    i compiled the program with BCC and extracted the icon
    with the Greenfish icon editor successfully from
    the exe-file (because the icon file was not committed in the past).

    With regards,
    MNI TNX, 73 es 55 de
    DF7BE, Wilfried

  • Oleksii Myronenko

    Hello, i rewrote my build script to build hwgui and designer:

    SET hbmk2=e:\dev\harbour\bin\hbmk2.exe
    call c:\watcom\owsetenv.bat
    cd hwgui-code\hwgui
    %hbmk2% -trace hwgui.hbp procmisc.hbp hbxml.hbp hwgdebug.hbp >..\..\hwgui.log 2>&1
    cd utils\designer
    %hbmk2% -trace designer.hbp >..\..\..\..\hwgdesign.log 2>&1

    and now, at rev 2859, all builds fine, only one warning:

    source\winapi\control.c(1257): Warning! W303: Parameter 'dwTime' has been defined, but not referenced

    For designer, no need the designer2.hbp and designer2.rc now, builds ok with designer.hbp, but in hwgui.hbc i use


    instead of


    hwmake builds ok after adding xhb.hbc to hwmake.hbp.
    hwreport is not a main report builder utility, now it is a designer, so i think no need to set focus on it.

    Best regards,

  • Oleksii Myronenko

    And, i think, the ticket must be closed. Thanks.

  • Luiz Rafael Culik

    • status: open --> closed
  • Wilfried Brunken

    Hello Oleksii,
    sorry, but the error
    occurred again.

    I downloaded an new snapshot of 2021-12-29 from

    and tried again to compile Harbour.
    The E060 appeared again, see appended file

    I modified in the file
    the path from to ../../package/ to ../package/
    and the make process continued up to the next error:
    Error! E2008: cannot open ..\bin\win\watcom.hbmk\hbrun_hbmkaut_hbmk2.obj : No such file or directory

    Do you modified some local file(s) of your
    Harbour installation ?
    Please give feedback of your mod's.

    In the appended file you can
    see the full information (output etc.),
    also the Harbour and OpenWatcom Versions.

    So the information in "OpenWatcom.txt" is at this
    time for me "up to date".

    The other option is to open an Issue at the
    Harbour project site of github.

    Your modification in hwgui.hbc
    is commented out:

    --- Outdated, out of support ---

    {win&!watcom&!hblib}libs=hbactivex hwg_extctrl hwg_qhtm

    MNI TNX, 73 es 55 de
    Wilfried, DF7BE

  • Oleksii Myronenko

    Hi, this bug was in OpenWatcom, you should download a fresh build of OpenWatcom for build a Harbour.


  • Wilfried Brunken

    Hello Oleksii,
    done with commit r3038
    hwreport make files and documentation updated.
    Checked with Watcom build today !

    MNI TNX for your support.

    With regards,
    73 es 55 de
    DF7BE, Wilfried


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