
Humano2 Beta7 Released

We are quite exited about this weeks release, we finally removed many small bugs which made the use of the platform awkward and cumbersome.

Functions are now fully operational, mathematical as well as value concatenation is supported.

Basic rules work as well. As long as all the attributes are within the same class.

The views and forms have also gone through some heavy debugging.

All in all, this weeks release is quite advanced. There are still things which you have to look out for, and you will still experience weird behavior. We are still in Beta after all!

Have fun!

Estamos bastante contentos con el release de esta semana, se han quitado muchos pequeos errores que hacan el uso de la plataforma un poco incomodo.

Las funciones ya estn operacional, se pueden hacer formulas matemticas y concatenar valores entre atributos. Reglas bsicas tambin estn funcionando, siempre cuando los atributos utilizados sean de la misma clase.

Tambin se ha depurado bastante lo que es las vistas y los formularios.

En general, el release de esta semana esta bastante avanzada. Aun existen errores por lo cual uno debe tener cuidado para evitar comportamiento no deseado. Despus de todo, aun estamos en Beta!

Pasenlo bien!

Open Enterprise Applications

Posted by humano2 2005-06-24

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