
Humano2 / News: Recent posts

Humano2 Beta9 Released

Hello all!

I would like to take this oportunity to thank two new active contributors; killfill and elnomade.
Killfill submited modifications which ported the platform to FreeBsd, so now Humano2 runs on Linux, Windows, MacOs and FreeBsd. Not bad.
Elnomade submited modifications where he converted code-in-front to code-behind. Cleaned up the code structure and fixed a few compiler alerts. And to top it off, he initiated the modification of the login to skip the domain selection area if you belong to just one domain.... read more

Posted by humano2 2005-07-17

Platform Beta VIII Released

Hello Everyone,

This weeks release fixes a mayor bug which was found in viewtools, a core component.

The error was found when trying to make complex views with mutiple classes. The tickets closed #226 and #217 have more details on the errors solved.

There was also an important colabortation from the comunity, the outcome was code clean up to avoid compiler warnings and factoring of pgsqlCrud, a database component.... read more

Posted by humano2 2005-07-11

Humano2 Beta7 Released

We are quite exited about this weeks release, we finally removed many small bugs which made the use of the platform awkward and cumbersome.

Functions are now fully operational, mathematical as well as value concatenation is supported.

Basic rules work as well. As long as all the attributes are within the same class.

The views and forms have also gone through some heavy debugging.

All in all, this weeks release is quite advanced. There are still things which you have to look out for, and you will still experience weird behavior. We are still in Beta after all!... read more

Posted by humano2 2005-06-24

Humano2 Beta6 Released

This weeks release adds a new feature, which is the capability to import information into the classes. This is a two step process; one is the builder, which is the upload of the file, and the other an executable which does the actual processing.

Among the many bug fixes, the most noticeable are: The order of the attributes in a form reflects the order specified when creating the form.
The constant flashing of the iframes when selecting a pertinence value was eliminated.... read more

Posted by humano2 2005-06-18

Humano2 Beta IV Released

We have fixed the most important bugs and the platform is now a lotmore stable. The most important development is though that we now added a sample HELP DESK application on top. This should allow you to get a better understanding of how the thing works. By next week we should have some documentation for it and we will be working on a CRM demo.

You can:

download the Release from Sourceforge here: read more

Posted by edbong 2005-06-03