
HTTP Fetcher / News: Recent posts

RPM update

I've updated the RPM specfile and uploaded new binaries. Turns out that the 'post' and 'postun' sections were causing some problems. Thanks to Holger Nilsson for pointing it out and researching the fix.

Posted by Lyle Hanson 2005-02-01

http-fetcher 1.1.0 released

Well, there have been enough people asking for features that I had to put out another 1.x release. This time around I've added the ability to (transparently) follow redirects, complete with a http_setRedirects() function to allow callers some measure of control. This is pretty mucha hacked-in facility, but we're limited by original design of the library (there are plans to remedy this). This release also includes some minor compatibility improvements and cleanup.... read more

Posted by Lyle Hanson 2004-03-12

Debian packages available

Yuval Zukerman has contributed .deb packages. Thanks, Yuval!

Posted by Lyle Hanson 2002-04-08

Upcoming release

For anybody that's interested, HTTP Fetcher is approaching a release that introduces substantial new functionality and added robustness. It will also be a lot more portable to other platforms. The project also picked up a valuable collaborator (thanks, Steve!).

Posted by Lyle Hanson 2002-02-22


Release 1.0.1 fixes a misfeature of certain servers requiring a "Host: " field in the HTTP request, otherwise returing a 404. All requests (even HTTP 1.0) now include a "Host: " field.

Also, RPM and source RPM packages have been completed.

Posted by Lyle Hanson 2001-08-01


Well, I just added HTTP Fetcher to the SourceForge repository. I think it's a useful library, I hope you do too! Check out the project's homepage and mail me with any comments, questions, suggestions, or bug reports!

Posted by Lyle Hanson 2001-07-31