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htmsysinfo 1.7 released

htmsysinfo 1.7 is a complete rewrite of htmsysinfo. It is smaller than previous htmsysinfo releases because there was just too much duplicated and uneffective code in htmsysinfo <= 1.6.
htmsysinfo 1.7 uses the libgtop to get the process information and a few other things. But most stuff is still taken from /proc, because libgtop has no functions for getting information about the system cpu as the proc filesystem has, for example.
Just have a look at htmsysinfo 1.7 and it's ChangeLog !... read more

Posted by Sebastian Ude 2000-07-01


Ok htmsysinfo moved to sourceforge on 2000-09-26.
Please be patient for the next release (1.7, I'll translate the german-only 1.6 release if I have the time), it is a complete rewrite of htmsysinfo. htmsysinfo 1.7 will use libgtop for the process information, for example. So perhaps htmsysinfo will work on solaris etc., which means on systems that do not have a /proc-Filesystem. Still most stuff will be taken directly from /proc, yes. libgtop currently does not has features to get information about the cpu, the scsi devices etc.

Posted by Sebastian Ude 2000-06-26