
HtmlClient / News: Recent posts

Beta Postponed

The beta for HtmlClient has been postponed (even more). I know it has been a while since I was even able to work on this, but the parser is, quite frankly, a mess. It really needs a full DTD written for it to fully work on wikipedia (comments and other tags and characters in the CDATA sections give it severe problems and it needs to know its in CDATA).

Anyway, I hope to be back at alpha stage within a week or two using tagSoup which should make XML parsing easy and reliable. Once that is done, it should be pretty stable. At the very least, it is less internal code to go wrong.

Posted by HeadPigeons 2006-06-01


Alpha testing is finally here! The project is finally stable enough for general use. However, most of the code documentation is not complete. So far, the best way to understand how to use the library is from the testing package and what is complete. In the mean time, I'll work on finishing the documentation as well as testing the library via a "wikibot" extension.

Posted by HeadPigeons 2006-01-17

Alpha Testing Draws Near?

Well, I had originally hoped that this program would only take one week to alpha and would be less than three thousand lines. However, it's been in source forge for fifteen days now nearing 5700 lines and it's still not done. However, I think that there is a chance alpha is within sight.

Tonight, google yelled at the testing architecture for trying to search google. That's bad because, well, theres a testing avenue down the drain, but good because it managed to search google (almost). I think it might be ready for alpha next week. Cross your fingers!... read more

Posted by HeadPigeons 2005-12-30


I know the project is only days old and hardly anyone is listening yet, but the projects is coming along nicely. I hope to be able to post the alpha version before too long. I've been working around-the-clock on this thing for a week now and I've got to say it does show promise.

So far, the markup parser can handle HTML 1.0 and 2.0 really well. The rest works somewhat reliably. Oddly enough, it's the little tweaks that XHTML brings into the picture that is causing the most damage to the parser. However, most sites are loadable and easily able to be navigated by links and certain forms.... read more

Posted by HeadPigeons 2005-12-24