
#28 Extensions for Plugin/Stored Procedure

hsqldb (sandbox)

Extensions to the Core engine to allow a Plugin
Architecture and allow stored procedures in other
langauges. Introduced the "module" concept and
function factory concept to allow function factories
for languages such as prolog, javascript, or for
external pacakges such as WEKA. This zip file includes
the package RsLibrary. RsLibrary provides
the "execute" statement and allows connecting to other
databases via jdbc. I will submit other packages such
as JavaScript, Weka and Prolog shortly.

In order to use RsLibrary for example, you must call
the stored procedure load_module:

call load_module('org.hsqldb.RsLibrary')

after you shutdown your databse, it will remember that
you have RsLibrary in your space.

Here's the description of what's in RsLibrary

example usage of execute, get_conn and close_conn...

for local connection
call execute('select * from address')

for external hsqldb connection

call execute('select * from address',
('jdbc:hsqldb:dbname', 'sa', '', 'org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver

or to do an external select

call execute('select * from address',
('jdbc:odbc:dbname', 'sa', '', 'sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcD

or to do an external join

select * from address
inner join (execute('select * from
('jdbc:odbc:dbname', 'sa', '', 'sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcD
as address_ext
on =


There's also a entry point for changing the parser


Here's the list of files in the zip.


Hiep H Nguyen


  • Hiep Huu Nguyen

    Hiep Huu Nguyen - 2001-08-29

    This is the zip file with all the *.java files. Compile and put in your path.

  • Fred Toussi

    Fred Toussi - 2001-12-02

    Logged In: YES

    This revision of the HSQLDB should form a separate branch,
    continued to be synchronised with the patches to the stable
    code, tested and hopefully released in the future.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    How do I form a sepearate branch? I've had some request for
    the lucene module which requires this library.


  • Fred Toussi

    Fred Toussi - 2002-01-20

    Logged In: YES

    I'm sorry for the delay responding. I was away when you
    posted the message and have just spotted it.
    As you know your enhancements were put on the CVS on the
    hsqldb trunk. We are now thinking in terms of separate
    branches for major restructured codebase such as yours.
    This will allow eventual merging of different development
    efforts. We will shotly set up the branch for you to upload
    the code.
    I would like to thank you for what you've done. I think
    your enhancments will be really usefull to a large number
    of users. The ability to join across different databases is
    great and support for Lucene will open a whole new range of

  • Michael J. Cannon

    Logged In: YES


    This and #456700, #456709: are they going to make it? All
    of this work in the Trackers are to clear my
    Dashboard, so I can concentrate on the re-org of fora,
    Trackers and readying the CVS and doc management.

    Hiep's patches for embedding other languages, eventually
    could include XML (to make hsqldb an 'active' XML source
    for J2EE and CMS/DbPrism), python, php, (both have Java
    implementations, for instance, in Coccoon)...even PL/SQL
    and perl...

    Interesting, but do we need to do this now or in FUTURE?


  • Michael J. Cannon

    • assigned_to: dedmike --> fredt
    • priority: 5 --> 1
    • milestone: 131875 -->
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2002-06-02

    Logged In: YES

    Re-uptake and starting review for inclusion in 1.7.1 today, along with
    Karl's bulk save/restore and my metadata patch.

    Bumped up pri, set to Remind and reassigned to me for the moment.
    Will be doing a refresher reading over the next week and will get in
    touch with Fred and Hiep over perhaps taking this all bit further (there
    are already the seeds of several ideas that will hopefully become
    central in hsqldb 2.x) as well as integrating this with metadata patch
    (nice to know what modules are available, what the declared source
    code for one's SQL functions/stored procedures is, etc.).

    I am especially very interested in reworking the syntax extentions and
    adding a new database object type: database link so that the
    examples above become like:

    CREATE DATABASELINK dbname (connection_spec,


    select * from address@dbname;
    select col1 from address@dbname where col1 > somevalue

    and extending the recent query rewriting patch (making SQL command
    execution a stream of command objects rather than processing in-line,
    allowing a simple RULE system to be implemented post as well as pre
    parsing) so that we can hopefully start playing around with the first
    steps of SQL-based declaratively defined distributed hsqldb

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2002-06-02
    • milestone: --> hsqldb (sandbox)
    • priority: 1 --> 6
    • assigned_to: fredt --> boucherb
    • status: open --> open-remind
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2002-06-03
    • priority: 6 --> 7
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2002-06-03

    Logged In: YES


    Inclusion in 1.7.1 as an optional item (diffs) with static configuration in
    properties and then official inclusion in 1.8. Reason: minor point
    releases do not introduce new syntax that introduces .script file
    incompatibility -> 1.8, not 1.7.x.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Hi Guys,

    I haven't monitored this group in a while. Did you guys ever
    integrate my contrib? Just wondering. Good luck.


    Hiep Huu Nguyen

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Hi Guys,

    I haven't monitored this group in a while. Did you guys ever
    integrate my contrib? Just wondering. Good luck.


    Hiep Huu Nguyen

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Hi Guys,

    I haven't monitored this group in a while. Did you guys ever
    integrate my contrib? Just wondering. Good luck.


    Hiep Huu Nguyen

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Hi Guys,

    I haven't monitored this group in a while. Did you guys ever
    integrate my contrib? Just wondering. Good luck.


    Hiep Huu Nguyen

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Hi Guys,

    I haven't monitored this group in a while. Did you guys ever
    integrate my contrib? Just wondering. Good luck.


    Hiep Huu Nguyen

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2003-08-07

    Logged In: YES

    Hi Hiep. Long time, no hear from.

    IMO, your's was a really great contrib that was before its time
    as of 1.6.1.

    As of 1.7.2, it's certainly far less ahead of its time, but
    certain modularizations and standards for them still need
    working out and implementing before your contrib is
    integrated whole-hog into the default distro. Regardless, it is
    certainly still intended to add features identical or similar to
    those in your contribution. That is, there is still the goal of
    modular extention of the database, including language
    extentions. There is still the goal of allowing remote/external
    execution to be integrated into the query engine. There is
    still the goal of more competely integrating the functionality
    of result sets generated by stored procedures. However,
    many legacy cleanup subprojects have taken priority over the
    last 18 months, and there have, most recently, been other
    important subprojects such as the unified database
    instance/url managment subsystem, proper cooperative file
    locking, logging and persistence subsystem, refinement of in-
    memory row and node representation for reduction of memory
    consuption, database metadata, true paramentric compiled
    statements, database replication, value pooling and
    efficient/tailored collection ADTS, including primitive key
    maps, etc.

    Things are getting closer to the point where all of this is fully
    integrated and modular. The current next step is a proper
    session execution stack and proper (by the spec)
    implementation of routines generating multiple result sets.
    After that, implementation of OUT parameters (at least for
    scalar return values) for CallableStatement (stored
    procedures) and an API/metadata system for stored
    procedures that provide result sets and (possibly) have OUT
    and IN OUT parameters. When that is in place, then I think it
    really makes sense to start working on truly integrating the
    functionality you contributed.

    So far, this is looking like work for 1.7.3 or later, certainly not
    1.7.2 given its current scope and the current work load.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2003-08-07

    Logged In: YES


    By the way, I'd be very interested in working with you on
    refining the code base toward inclusion of the functionality in
    your contributions.

    Here is what I would eventually like to see:

    1.) Work toward SQL standards based embedded language
    2.) Work toward SQL standards based remote data source
    3.) SQL standards based session execution stack and a
    mature execution stack aware API exposed for stored
    procedure writers.
    4.) include a persistent, table-based custom database class
    loader, allowing installation of jars directly in the database (no
    more worries over external class path dependencies for
    optional java-based modules...), a la the SQL standard spec
    for JARs and java routines in DBMS.

    On point 4.), as Fred can attest to, I've already implemented
    a fairly comprehensive table-based database class loader. Its
    inclusion and related SQL syntax for managing the installation
    and removal of jars is simply waiting for present work lists to
    be completed and a full discussion and development of an
    HSQLDB standard for persistent SYSTEM tables to be worked
    out. When that is done, we can also start to look at things
    like providing an advanced transactional queue sybsystem,
    like found in Oracle's AQ option.

  • Hiep Huu Nguyen

    Hiep Huu Nguyen - 2003-08-07

    Logged In: YES

    Hi boucherb!

    1, 2, sounds good. I'll look at he documentation.

    As for 3: do you mean an execution stack for stored
    procedures. I'll have to look at SQL standards again, but
    certainly sounds doable.

    As for 4: it sounds like you are on your way with this. This
    is a really intriguing idea. So you distribute your jars as
    database objects?

    Will get back to you.

    Best Regards,


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2003-08-08

    Logged In: YES

    Thanks Hiep.

    I look forward to further discussions.

    I'll do the required reading on 1.) and 2.) as well to get back
    up to speed on details, as soon as I sumbit my latest round of
    work (ramp up toward multiple result sets), which will be

    Re: 3.), yes: It's possible, for instance, for a nested stored
    procedure invocation to change the session user and other
    session attributes, call other stored procedures that do the
    same thing, ad infinitum. There is a spec for how to scope
    nested contexts and we should read up on it and implement
    it, at least as much as makes sense in the current HSQLDB
    context. Also, although there are many potential APIs and/or
    conventions we could choose from for allowing stored
    procedures to register results for retrieval by the top-level
    caller, if we try to stick to the spec where things are not
    specified implementation-defined, this would be better I think.

    Re: 4.) part of the SQL 200n FCD defines this also in quite a
    straight forward manner, although my first effort certainly did
    not follow it to the letter. The spec indicates the ability to
    load and remove jars and provides SQL syntax and behaviour
    definitions. I implemented the ability to load and unload jars,
    but my first approach was a simplistic one, where there is a
    row for the binary materialization of each jar entry and no
    record of which jar it came from (loading a second jar with an
    identically named jar entry will overwrite the entry loaded
    from the first jar and unloading the first jar will remove the
    identically named entry loaded from the second jar, etc).
    Since we aim at JDK 1.1, I also did not bother with reading or
    following META-INF information. I'm not sure what the SQL
    spec has to say about jar META-INF. One of the biggest jobs
    was implementing an hsqldb: URL so that code reading
    content retrieved via a URL connection would work. That
    part is done and works quite well, really, although there is the
    concern of remote clients needing access to the classes
    stored in the database. That's a hard question for me that
    I've been mulling in the back of my mind for quite some time.
    The way I see it, the problem is that, more than likely, an app
    accessing a database remotely is not loaded by the hosting
    JVM using the database class loader in network mode (the
    app may be quite large, for instance, so it is unreasonable to
    load if from the remote database). Indeed, I never
    implemented that part of the url connection framework, only
    the local resource part. And without the client app itself
    being loaded by the database class loader, it is possible that
    significant reflection must be used to deal with class
    instances coming back from the remote database and whose
    class was also loaded using the network implementations of
    the database class loader, perhaps over the same socket as
    the jdbc connection. OTOH, its just as easy to restrict
    database class loading to just the classes implementing
    stored procedures and disallow the use of value objects in the
    database whose class is loaded by database custom class
    loader used to load the installed jars from lobs in a persistent
    system table.

    Anyway, once again, looking forward to talking with you,

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2003-08-08

    Logged In: YES


    Yes: 4.) is an intriguing idea. Modularity and the ability to
    extend the database in a modular fashion is really nice, but
    without a persistent, transactional (table-based) database
    class loader, all modules are still at the mercy of the external
    class path settings, as well as version changes. With the
    ability to load and unload jars in the database, modularity
    becomes portable and production quality. That is part of
    what I was referring to when I said earlier that I thought your
    contribution was slightly (well, getting close to 2 years now)
    ahead of its time.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2003-08-10

    Logged In: YES


    Another avenue I'd like to persue is the concept of a SQL
    PACKAGE database object.

    In simplest terms, a Java class to be used as a SQL PACKAGE
    database object would:

    1.) be a bean (in essense, have a no-args constructor)

    2.) implement an interface named classNamePackageBean
    that defines which public instance methods are to be
    accessible from the SQL context

    3.) (currently) ensure that the classNamePackageBean has no
    method name overloads, as HSQLDB still cannot properly
    (deterministically, from one JVM/class file compiler to another)
    resolve which method to use when there are several of the
    same name with different signatures)

    2.) if efficient, transparent database access is desired (e.g.
    not have to get the session's internal connection through the
    standard but slow method of using
    the "jdbc:default:connection" url), the SQL PACKAGE class
    would also have to implement an Interface, perhaps named
    org.hsqldb.Connectable, whose sole method is setConnection
    (java.sql.Connection). If a package class was determined to
    implement such an interface, then the setConnection method
    would be called immediately after construction, passing in
    the Session's internal connection.

    Upon first of any method of the classNamePackageBean
    interface of such a class (via Function), an instance of it
    would be registered with the calling Session. This would allow
    package state to be maintained from one invocation to the
    next against the SQL PACKAGE methods of the bean, for the
    duration of the Session, while ensuring that the SQL PACKAGE
    state is relative only to the owning session.


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