gbonk - 2014-10-16

I boiled it down to just JDBC and I'm still having the issue...


        Connection c = jdbcTemplate.getDataSource().getConnection();

        String sql = "{?= call PAR3214.VOID_ALLOCATION(?, ?, ?)}";

        CallableStatement  s = c.prepareCall(sql);

        s.registerOutParameter(1, Types.VARCHAR);
        s.setLong(2, fromLocation);
        s.setString(3, controlNumber);
        s.setString(4, controlNumber);

        boolean b = s.execute();


tried this is 2.2.9 and 2.3.2 and it fails in both. This example works fine in oracle. We are using JDK 5


Last edit: gbonk 2014-10-16