
Tree [0462d7] default tip /

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File Date Author Commit
 conf 2013-12-01 Dominic Fandrey Dominic Fandrey [70d287] Fix the Doxygen filtering rules for the Makefile
 contrib 2013-10-11 Dominic Fandrey Dominic Fandrey [c1b1a0] New SDCC manual and update documentation
 hacks 2013-09-24 Dominic Fandrey Dominic Fandrey [eee661] Introduce an SDCC configuration file with SDCC ...
 img 2013-11-19 Dominic Fandrey Dominic Fandrey [123540] Document Cygwin compatibility
 inc 2012-09-28 Dominic Fandrey Dominic Fandrey [01ce33] Undo last 2 commits, because µVision insists on...
 scripts 2016-03-21 Dominic Fandrey Dominic Fandrey [0462d7] Remove leftover code from a debugging session
 src 2014-07-23 Dominic Fandrey Dominic Fandrey [05db5b] Update documentation to reflect the merge of de...
 uVision 2014-09-23 Dominic Fandrey Dominic Fandrey [d667ac] Sanitise value table descriptions to generate i...
 .hgeol 2012-10-11 Dominic Fandrey Dominic Fandrey [af543e] Fix adc queue counter, and some cosmetics along...
 .hgignore 2013-11-30 Dominic Fandrey Dominic Fandrey [a96e24] Document AWK scripts and build dedicated doxyge...
 LICENSE 2013-12-03 Dominic Fandrey Dominic Fandrey [a1d5eb] Add license disclaimer for contributed document...
 Makefile 2016-03-21 Dominic Fandrey Dominic Fandrey [622564] Add a debug target 2013-12-05 Dominic Fandrey Dominic Fandrey [37177c] Try to fix unordered lists
 cygwin-make.bat 2014-04-12 Dominic Fandrey Dominic Fandrey [16c3b1] Cygwin fixes
 cygwin-uVisionupdate.bat 2014-04-12 Dominic Fandrey Dominic Fandrey [16c3b1] Cygwin fixes 2013-12-01 Dominic Fandrey Dominic Fandrey [70935a] Pull the Makefile and into the...

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--------------------- HIGH SPEED KARLSURHE

XC878 µC project:

High Speed Karlsruhe: