
hmtimer(Hsiu-Ming's Timer) / Blog: Recent posts

hmtimer 3.2.1 is released

hmtimer 3.2.1 is released. You can download it from download


Posted by SourceForge Robot 2022-02-28

PdfHandoutCrop 0.99.2 is released

PdfHandoutCrop 0.99.2 is released. You can download it from download


Posted by SourceForge Robot 2021-03-07

Linux 臺北醫學大學校外連線 VPN 設定,使用 Network Manager + openfortivpn

如果不想使用 NetworkManager,請看這篇直接使用 openfortivpn 來連線。以下使用 Manjaro xfce 示範

  1. 安裝 NetworkManager-fortisslvpn
    Arch Linux: 從 AUR 安裝 networkmanager-fortisslvpn-git
    Ubuntu/Debian: sudo apt-get install network-manager-fortisslvpn-gnome
    openSUSE Tumbleweed: sudo zypper install NetworkManager-fortisslvpn-gnome
    openSUSE 15: sudo zypper addrepo sudo zypper refresh sudo zypper install NetworkManager-fortisslvpn-gnome
    Fedora: sudo dnf install NetworkManager-fortisslvpn-gnome
  2. 開啟 nm-connection-editor(在 Network Manager applet 上按右鍵或左鍵,選擇「Edit Connections...」),按「+」加入新連線 ... read more
Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-11-04

PdfHandoutCrop 0.99.0 is released

PdfHandoutCrop 0.99.0 is released on 2019.10.21. You can download it from download page.


-Show message when cropping with PyPDF2 failed
-Allow auto detect from command line

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-10-24

Linux 臺北醫學大學校外連線 VPN 設定,使用 Network Manager + openfortivpn

如果不想使用 NetworkManager,請看這篇直接使用 openfortivpn 來連線

  1. 安裝 NetworkManager-fortisslvpn
    Arch Linux: 從 AUR 安裝 networkmanager-fortisslvpn-git
    Ubuntu/Debian: sudo apt-get install network-manager-fortisslvpn
    openSUSE Tumbleweed: sudo zypper install NetworkManager-fortisslvpn
    Fedora: sudo dnf install NetworkManager-fortisslvpn
  2. 開啟 nm-connection-editor(在 Network Manager applet 上按右鍵,選擇「Edit Connections...」),按「+」加入新連線 ... read more
Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-10-14

Linux 臺北醫學大學校外連線 VPN 設定,使用 openfortivpn

如果想使用 NetworkManager 來設定連線,請看這篇

  1. 安裝 openfortivpn
    Arch Linux: sudo pacman -S openfortivpn
    Ubuntu/Debian: sudo apt-get install openfortivpn
    openSUSE: sudo zypper install openfortivpn
    Fedora: sudo dnf install openfortivpn
  2. 開啟終端機模擬器,輸入"sudo openfortivpn -u 使用者名稱(學號) --trusted-cert 3439b476ccfd83265c323cad497baa42cce8493f4f4a40b740fa243597caf6a4"
  3. 輸入密碼,之後就可以開始使用 VPN 了。
  4. 按 Ctrl+C 就可以中斷 VPN 連線。
Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-10-14

Linux 臺北醫學大學校外連線 VPN 設定,使用 Network Manager + Openconnect

從2019年7月開始,北醫開始使用新版 VPN,這篇不再適用,請看這篇

  1. 安裝 Network Manager Openconnect
    Arch Linux: pacman -S networkmanager-openconnect
    Ubuntu/Debian: apt-get install network-manager-openconnect
    openSUSE: zypper install NetworkManager-openconnect
    Fedora: dnf install NetworkManager-openconnect
  2. 開啟 nm-connection-editor,按「+」加入新連線 ... read more
Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-09-01

Linux 臺北醫學大學校外連線 VPN 設定,使用 openfortivpn

如果想使用 NetworkManager 來設定連線,請看這篇

  1. 安裝 openfortivpn
    Arch Linux: 從 AUR 安裝 openfortivpn
    Ubuntu/Debian: apt-get install ``openfortivpn
    openSUSE: zypper install ``openfortivpn
    Fedora: dnf install ``openfortivpn
  2. 開啟終端機模擬器,輸入"sudo openfortivpn -u 使用者名稱(學號) --trusted-cert 3439b476ccfd83265c323cad497baa42cce8493f4f4a40b740fa243597caf6a4"
  3. 輸入密碼,之後就可以開始使用 VPN 了。
  4. 按 Ctrl+C 就可以中斷 VPN 連線。
Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-09-01

Linux 臺北醫學大學校外連線 VPN 設定,使用 Network Manager + openfortivpn

如果不想使用NetworkManager,請看這篇直接使用 openfortivpn 來連線

  1. 安裝 NetworkManager-fortisslvpn
    Arch Linux: 從 AUR 安裝 networkmanager-fortisslvpn-git
    Ubuntu/Debian: apt-get install network-manager-fortisslvpn
    openSUSE Tumbleweed: zypper install NetworkManager-fortisslvpn
    Fedora: dnf install NetworkManager-fortisslvpn
  2. 開啟 nm-connection-editor(在 Network Manager applet 上按右鍵,選擇「Edit Connections...」),按「+」加入新連線 ... read more
Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-09-01

hmtimer 3.1.0 is released

hmtimer 3.1.0 is released on 2019.08.16. You can download it from download page.
Changes from previous version are:

  1. command line: Support more formats of countdown time
  2. command line: Support setting absolute time
  3. Add setting to set absolute time on startup
Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-08-18

PdfHandoutCrop 0.7.0 is released

PdfHandoutCrop 0.7.0 is released on 2019.07.03. You can download it from download page.


-Allow user to use either PyPDF2 or PyMuPDF to crop
-other changes

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-07-04

PdfHandoutCrop 0.6.0 is released

PdfHandoutCrop 0.6.0 is released on 2019.03.09. You can download it from download page. openSUSE, Fedora, AUR, ppa and Debian builds are available.


-fix mediaBox if lowerLeft of original mediaBox is not [0,0] (only fixed when page is not rotated)

-add actions in menuBar

-other changes

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-03-11

hmtimer 3.0.2 is released

hmtimer 3.0.2 is released on 2019.02.19. You can download it from download page.
Changes from previous version are:

  1. Add keyboard shortcuts in menuBar
  2. fix startup on Windows
  3. Windows: Use RegDeleteValueA() to delete registry
  4. Disable minimize to tray if a dialog is open
Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-03-02

Linux 臺北醫學大學校外連線 VPN 設定,使用 Network Manager + Openconnect

  1. 安裝 Network Manager Openconnect
    Arch Linux: pacman -S networkmanager-openconnect
    Ubuntu/Debian: apt-get install network-manager-openconnect
    openSUSE: zypper install NetworkManager-openconnect
    Fedora: dnf install NetworkManager-openconnect
  2. 開啟 nm-connection-editor,按「+」加入新連線

... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-02-19

PdfHandoutCrop 0.3.2 is released

PdfHandoutCrop 0.3.2 is released on 2018.09.19. You can download it from download page. openSUSE, Fedora, AUR, ppa and Debian builds are available.

-load Qt translation
-update and fix translation
-maximize window at start

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2018-11-26

PdfHandoutCrop 0.4.0 is released

PdfHandoutCrop 0.4.0 is released on 2018.11.26. You can download it from download page. openSUSE, Fedora, AUR, ppa and Debian builds are available.

-fix mediaBox if lowerLeft of original mediaBox is not [0,0] (only fixed when page is not rotated)
-add actions in menuBar
-other changes

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2018-11-26

PdfHandoutCrop 0.3.2 is released

hmtimer 0.3.2 is released on 2018.09.19. You can download it from download page. openSUSE, Fedora, AUR, ppa and Debian builds are available.

-load Qt translation
-update and fix translation
-maximize window at start

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2018-09-22

PdfHandoutCrop 0.3.1 is released

hmtimer 0.3.1 is released on 2018.09.07. You can download it from download page. openSUSE and AUR build is now available.

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2018-09-08

hmtimer 3.0.1 is released

hmtimer 3.0.1 is released on 2018.08.26. You can download it from download page.
Changes from previous version are:

  1. add argument "nothing" as an available action and fix output of "--help"
  2. make trayicon tooltip translatable
  3. reset trayicon tooltip when user stops timer
Posted by SourceForge Robot 2018-08-29

hmtimer 3.0.0 is released

hmtimer 3.0.0 is released on 2018.07.06. You can download it from download page.
Changes from previous version are:

  1. turn off monitor on wayland
  2. use combobox to select action
  3. load Qt translations
Posted by SourceForge Robot 2018-07-08

PdfHandoutCrop 0.2.1 is released

hmtimer 0.2.1 is released on 2018.06.30. You can download it from download page.

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2018-06-30

hmtimer 2.6.2 is released and Flatpak is available

hmtimer 2.6.2 is released on 2018.04.21. You can download it from download page. Now there is also Flatpak build for hmtimer. You can get if from Flathub. Builds for OpenSUSE, Fedora and AUR are also available, and builds for other Linux distributions and Windows will be available soon.

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2018-04-26

capslock-status is put on GitHub

the source code of capslock-status is put on GitHub. It is a simple Qt program that displays an icon in system tray to indicate the status of capslock.

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2018-04-08

PdfHandoutCrop is rewritten with python and put on GitHub

The source code of PdfHandoutCrop is rewritten with python and put on GitHub.

PdfHandoutCrop is a tool to crop pdf handout with multiple pages per sheet. Sometimes the teacher give us handout in pdf format with multiple pages per sheet. If I print it directly, the font size and pictures are too small to read. So I created PdfHandoutCrop to help me crop the handout.

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2018-04-08

PdfHandoutCrop is put on GitHub

the source code of PdfHandoutCrop is put on GitHub. PdfHandoutCrop is a tool to crop pdf handout with multiple pages per sheet. Sometimes the teacher give us handout in pdf format with multiple pages per sheet. If I print it directly, the font size and pictures are too small to read. So I created PdfHandoutCrop to help me crop the handout.

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2018-03-07