
Project HPX / News: Recent posts

bots for win32 0.2 released

I've ported my networking code to win32, and other than a problem with gettimeofday(), the source should now be completely portable between Linux and Windows. I've just uploaded the win32 binaries as a file release. I've tested it and it works on Win2k but it's got a bad lag problem.

Posted by Ian Su 2001-12-10

Porting to win32

My current aim is to convert my current networking code to use the SDL_net library which has already been ported win32. If successful, the code should be portable across at least Linux and Win32 without modification.

Posted by Ian Su 2001-12-03

First release!

W00t! I just released my current phase 1 code. It's playable, but very very jerky. It will be improved soon. Not that anyone reads this anyway, so why do I bother. Yada yada yada. It's hard working alone on this...

Posted by Ian Su 2001-11-28

Documentation done

Phase 1 documentation is uploaded into CVS. I'm currently working on the implementation.

Posted by Ian Su 2001-11-13

HPX Lives!!

I have resurrected this project after it has died from neglect. HPX has now become a small scale multiplayer gaming project.

I am now solely responsible for the development, though I would like people to help. Some preliminary test code is available via CVS, and some screenshots can be viewed at the HPX website at .

Posted by Ian Su 2001-09-16