
Where to start and how to implement HouseSp ?

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    maybe someone could give me a series of hints on how to setup HouseSpider on my offline webpage with a knowledge base of about 2000 html documents.

    The steps I already did:
    - downloading HouseSpider 4.4a  (HouseSpider.jar)
    - extracting HouseSpider.jar
         * HouseSpider.class
         * Colouriser.class
         * HtmlProcessor.class
         * HtmlReader.class
         * ImageButton.class
         * ImageLoader.class
         * Spider.class
         * SiteList.class
         * Compress.class
         * directory: Meta-inf
    - I downloaded buttons.bevel.jar
    - I set up a test.html page with header & body ...
    - I entered the following codes within a table:

    <table width=650 height=400 border=5 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
    <TD align=center valign=center>
    <applet code="HouseSpider.class" archive="HouseSpider.jar,buttons.bevel.jar" width="90%" height="300"><br />
            <param name="URLStart" value="fonts-a.htm">
            <param name="URLHelp" value="">
            <param name="bgcolour" value="FFFFFF">
            <param name="fgcolour" value="666666">
            <param name="bgtextcolour" value="FFFFFF">
            <param name="textcolour" value="666666">

    The download files and *.class files and test.html are all in the same directory

    After all that it doesn't work if I open test.html with a browser - the text search field isn't even visible.
    I use netscape navigator 4.7

    Where is my mistake that it doesn't work?

    Thank you for some specific help.


    • Hans Fr. Nordhaug

      First some minor issues:
      1) Don't extracting HouseSpider.jar - that has no use as long as you have HouseSpider.jar. (Remove all files you extracted.)
      2) Don't set URLhelp to a online webapge if you are offline.

      The reason the applet doesn't work might be that you are using a Mac - in that case read "Known Problems" at the bottom of

      If you're not running Mac, you have to open the Java Console of your browser and read the error message there.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hello Hans,

      thank you for your help.
      1. I removed all extracted files from th directory
      2. I removed the URLhelp line
      3. I have a Win95B PC 233MHz Netscape 4.7. Java activated

      and it doesn't work.

      If I open the following online page on sourceforge it works very fine.

      And if I try to transfer all the instructions on this website for offline installation it won't work. ... and I don't know why.

      If I start the testpage: test.html it shows only an empty table and the status bar shows an error message:
      "Applet HouseSpider can't start: ERROR"

      Here is the full code of my html offline test page:
      ------------ html page code beginn ------------
      <META  name="description" content="Babbage Home Page Search applet">
      <META  name="keywords" content="java, applet:search, search">
      <TITLE>Babbage Home Page Search Applet</TITLE>

      <BODY bgcolor=white>
      <table width=650 height=400 border=5 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
      <TD align=center valign=center>
      <applet code="HouseSpider.class" archive="HouseSpider.jar,buttons.bevel.jar" width="90%" height="300"><br />
              <param name="URLStart" value="fonts-a.htm">
              <param name="bgcolour" value="FFFFFF">
              <param name="fgcolour" value="666666">
              <param name="bgtextcolour" value="FFFFFF">
              <param name="textcolour" value="666666">
      ------------ html page code end ------------

      This html page I put in a new directory
      In this directory I added the files "housespider.jar", "bottons.bevel.jar", the page where the search should start: "fonts-a.htm" with links to all the other pages in this directory.

      Perhaps you know where the bug is?
      Thank you for additional help and direction.

      with kind regards

      • Hans Fr. Nordhaug

        1) I deleted the message you posted in the other thread since it wasn't related.
        2) I told you to open the Java Console of your browser to see the error message. Please do so.
        3) Calling the page "Babbage Home Page Search Applet" is a bit insulting.

        Your problem is *very* puzzling since the applet works online, but not offline. (The code you post is OK - I have tested it to be sure.) Until you give me the info from the Java Console I can not help you.


        PS! You are watching the applet in your browser and not in an appletviewer?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Dear Hans,

      > 3) Calling the page "Babbage Home Page Search Applet" is a bit insulting.

      Sorry, this comes, because I tested before some other search tool in my test page, which was related to this name. But it didn't match the needs I expected. So I didn't realize that some information weren't deleted.  I hope I didn't offend you or the policy of this site by putting it on this board.  Sorry.

      If you have the authorization - you can wipe it out of the board.

      > Your problem is *very* puzzling since the applet works online, but not offline.

      Somewhere on this site it is mentioned to work offline and online.
      If HouseSpider 4.4 doesn't work offline - then it's nothing for my offline knowlegde base, which I have on my PC. I need a search tool that works offline, separated from the internet.

      > 2) I told you to open the Java Console of your browser to see the error message. Please do so

      This is what my java console listed:
      java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: SiteList
          at com/ms/vm/loader/URLClassLoader.loadClass
          at java/lang/ClassLoader.loadClassInternal
          at HouseSpider.init
          at com/ms/applet/AppletPanel.securedCall0
          at com/ms/applet/AppletPanel.securedCall
          at com/ms/applet/AppletPanel.processSentEvent
          at com/ms/applet/AppletPanel.processSentEvent
          at com/ms/applet/
          at java/lang/
      This is HouseSpider v4.4

      with kind regards

      • Hans Fr. Nordhaug

        Concerning Babbage: I didn't mean it that seriously...

        I meant the problem is very puzzling since the applet works for *you* online, but not offline. The applet of course works offline. It has been used on CDroms for example.

        > java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: SiteList

        Very strange! "SiteList.class" should be part of "HouseSpider.jar". Could you extract the files (again) and see if it's there? Maybe you should download "HouseSpider.jar" again?


        PS! The error message was very clear - you should have checked the Java Console first as I told you...

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Dear Hans,

      thank you for your patient help and tips.

      After dowloading the files again and putting all the elements together again it works just fine, even offline.

      IT'S GREAT !!

      My next step will be to set up an index file and the help file.

      with kind regards


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