Fixing typo.
Improving docs.
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release 3.4.5
Documenting version history.
Fixing <enum> crash.
Improving arquetype details.
Improving docs.
Documenting automated project creation (aka "arquetype").
Sentinel added to archetype.
Adding database builder to archetype.
Basic Spring-Boot arquetype working.
Fixing doc docs for structured queries' single VO return.
Prepare release 3.2.3
Preparing 3.2.3
prepare for next development iteration
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release 3.4.4
Removing log4j dependency from the hotrod runtime and from LiveSQL.
Removing log4j from the runtime library; it wasn't really used.
Adding optimizer tests and extra docs.
Merge branch 'maven' into maven2
Runtime does not load log4j anymore.
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release 3.4.3
Maintenance release to address log4j vulnerability.
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release 3.4.2
Fixing fragment processing.
Clean up.
Number casting uses new Java API.
Clean up.
Removing old transaction demarcation.
Removing SelectClassTag.
Clean up.
Removed old generators.
Adding HotRod Services infrastructure.
Separating metadata from generator (unstable).
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release 3.4.1
Adding version documentation.
Fixing default catalog/schema for nitro module.
Adding generation output and summary line.
Improving select tag messaging for SQL errors.
Clean up.
Runnable with VO/beans.
modificaciones (fallidas) de configuración mybatis-springboot en xml
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release 3.4.0
Promoting to 3.4.0-SNAPSHOT.
Fixing javadoc docs.
# WARNING: head commit changed in the meantime
Improving docs.
Merge branch 'maven' of ssh:// into maven
ejemplo actualizado
Merge branch 'maven' of ssh:// into maven
poc alvaro
Fixing FK cursor.
Test baseline.
Fixing backward compatibility of <daos> tag.
Fixing name solver on column metadata.
Merge branch 'maven' of ssh:// into maven
correcciones a la configuración del pool H2.
Merge branch 'maven' of ssh:// into maven
Fixing nitro default prefixes.
Fixing default nitro suffix for backward compatibility.
POC HR3 multipropósito. Alvaro
Merge branch 'maven' of ssh:// into maven
Stable commit point.
Partial DAO/VO naming for nitro.
Improving example.
New example.
Adding extra properties.
Adding nitro prefixes and suffixes.
Clean up.
Adding interface example.
Updated version history.
Adding new config.
Analyzing prefixes and suffixes for structured VOs.
Documenting Dynamic SQL tags.
Improving Nitro Queries docs.
Improving docs.
Result-set strategy ready for structured selects.
<mybatis-spring> inner tags are now allowed in any order.
Separating select VOs from old generator.
Refactored DataSetLayout.
Simplified parameter specification.
Added SCOPE_PROTOTYPE to select VOs.
Fixing Name Solver resolution.
Documenting Name Solver.
Name Solver working for tables (enums) and views.
Name Solver tag working on columns.
Added column retrieving strategies.
New select tag processor.
Adding improved parameter parser.
Code split for new retriever.
Improving Nitro docs.
Adding OpenAPI yaml generation poc.
Updated version history.
Improving docs.