


Repo Depo Repository Manager


Repo Depo is a Debian based web based repository management program.


Repo Depo was created to meet the following requirements:

  1. Manage various Ubuntu repositories.
  2. Each repository must support various architectures.
  3. Deb packages inside a repository can be sourced from upstream network sources or local folders containing .deb files.
  4. A selectable list of available updates for a repository must be available to allow only certain packages through.
  5. Existing packages inside a repository must be lockable to prevent further updates.
  6. Problematic packages must be blacklist-able to prevent them from entering a repository.
  7. Report on updates inside a repository and when it happened.
  8. Removing of packages from a repository
  9. A search function to determine if a package is present inside a repository and what the current version of the package is.
  10. Detail views of selectable packages inside a repository.


With the above requirements, Repo Depo was created.
It makes use of the following programs /technologies.

Tour of Repo Depo

Access Controll

Repo Depo is access controlled and require the user of the program to first log in.
Imported from wikispaces

Easy Navigation.

The web interface of Repo Depo is divided into various parts.The left side has various actions to choose from. Start by choosing 'Configure' and click on 'Repositories' to create a Repository tree.

Imported from wikispaces

List Updates

Updates can be listed and filtered on various fields. The amount of available updates shown depends on the node of the repository tree selected.

Imported from wikispaces