
HOT (HylaFAX-Outlook Thingy) / News: Recent posts

v0.3.0 Released!

Good news - v0.3.0 has been released! HylaFAX-Outlook Thingy now has a new interface and a new framework for sources of contacts. Also, contacts can be grabbed from a MySQL database as well as Outlook. Check out the CHANGELOG for full details.

Also, please read the README!!! Enjoy! :-)

Posted by Andrew Smith 2004-03-17

Source code on CVS

The project's CVS repositry now holds both the source for HylaFAX-Outlook Thingy (module "hot") and the self-install program (module "installer"). Code submissions and comments are of course very welcome!

Posted by Andrew Smith 2004-02-14

v0.2.1 Released!

The latest version of HylaFAX-Outlook Thingy is now available for download. There are a few feature improvements and a new automatic install program. Check out the ChangeLog for more details, and as usual please read the README file before use.

Posted by Andrew Smith 2004-01-11

v0.2.0 Released!

This latest version is a complete re-write. There are numerous limitations although these will be resolved in future releases. Check out the README.TXT before using!

Enjoy :o)

Posted by Andrew Smith 2004-01-02

Still Working...

Unfortunatly my PC has been dead for a couple of months (exploding capacitors on motherboard!) so development has been... well... non-existant. :-S
But the PC is working again (woo!) so if I don't have lots of work to do v0.2 (which will be a useable version!) *might* be available for Christmas!

Posted by Andrew Smith 2003-11-09

v0.1 Release Is Here

I've finally got round to packaging up v0.1 and releasing it for download. BUT REMEMBER THIS IS A PRE-ALPHA PROOF-OF-CONCEPT VERSION OF THE SOFTWARE WHICH BARELY WORKS! It's intended for educational purposes only. Look out for v0.2, comming soon, which may just be usable!

Posted by Andrew Smith 2003-08-16

SourceForge Project Approved...

...but the software is *far* from complete!

Version 0.1 is a proof-of-concept release. This means although it just about works on my system, it may not work on yours. Also, it's very buggy, inflexible, unfriendly, etc - in fact a lot of vital configuration options are hard coded. It'll be available for download in a day or two, but unless you're a curious developer it will be of very little use (if any) to you!... read more

Posted by Andrew Smith 2003-07-30