
hopiCron / News: Recent posts

Release 0.3

After nothing happened here for over a year, we are proud to release hopicron 0.3.
It now submits a proper user Agent so you maybe can conveniently calculate that out of your statistics.
You can now also add an @ to a crontab entry to not let it write into the logfile.
Special Thanks go to Henrik "diblo" for bringing those things to our attention.
If you want to upgrade:
All crontab files are still compatible and nothing has changed in the settings-file, so be sure not to overwrite these, when you update your installation.

Posted by maweki 2012-02-03

Release 0.2

A week after the release of 0.1 we go to 0.2 and since "a lot" of error checking code was added, we're no going from beta to stable.

Posted by maweki 2010-08-07

First Release 0.1

So, there it is. I released Version 0.1. Allthough it is marked as beta, it is actually pretty stable (and with its 300something lines of code pretty straightforward too).

If you have any questions, please use the forums. If you want to fix some of the known Issues, feel free to do so.

Posted by maweki 2010-07-27


Welcome to the hopiCron project. I will be releasing code in the next few days. I won't keep you waiting for long.

Posted by maweki 2010-07-26