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New management

ReciPHP is now administered by myself. I hope to continue and extend the original development plans of Mr. Sandford. Please watch this project page for the next release to be out some time in the first quarter of 2005.

Best regards
Shannon Wells

Posted by Shannon Wells 2004-11-22


ReciPHP has just made its first release. There are plenty of bugs and work to be done. Good luck

Posted by Michael Sandford 2002-09-24


I just moved from school in Jacksonville to home in Miami. The computers went with me. The hard drive of has decided it hates life, and will no longer be functioning, so I've lost everything. Time for a rewrite.

Posted by Michael Sandford 2002-05-07

ReciPHP is started

I have registered with sourceforge and am busily coding away. With the help of a few friends I am rapidly approaching my first release! With the current rate of progress basic implementations of all the features I want should be done by mid march, if all goes will.

Posted by Michael Sandford 2002-02-24