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File Date Author Commit
 src 2008-01-29 wanswong [r1]
 HolidaySchedules.xsd 2008-01-29 wanswong [r1]
 HolidaySchema.png 2008-01-29 wanswong [r1]
 HolidayXML.htm 2008-01-29 wanswong [r1]
 genclient.bat 2008-01-29 wanswong [r1]
 holidays.jar 2008-01-29 wanswong [r2]
 holidays.xml 2008-01-29 wanswong [r1]
 log4j.xml 2008-01-29 wanswong [r1]
 readme.htm 2008-01-29 wanswong [r1]

Read Me

body {font-family:arial,helvetica;font-size:small;}
<h1>Simple Holidays</h1>
<div style="width:75%">
For this project I use Eclipse 3.2, J2SE 1.5, JAXB 2.1.6, and Log4J. It is a simple project that I use to 
decide if the current date is a holiday or not. <p/>For the holiday, you can specify holiday that occurs:
<ul style="list-style-type:circle">
	<li>On exact date each year
	<li>Moving within the month, e.g. third Monday on April
	<li>One time only 
	<li>Add your own custom date, e.g. Easter.
	<li>Get JAXB from <a href="">GlassFish</a> The latest version, as of this writing, is JAXB 2.1.6.

	<li>Review <a href="HolidayXML.htm">XML Schema</a> to get general feeling about the format. 
	If you modify the schema, then you need to regenerate the Java code. Use <i>genclient.bat</i>
	for this.
	<li>Modify <i>holidays.xml</i> to fit your needs.
	<li>Ensure the range of workday, <i>START_DOW</i> and <i>END_DOW</i>, is correct.
	<li>Review <i>HolidayApp.compareDates()</i> method and modify it, if necessary. 
	This method compares the input date against the list of holidays from the configuration file.
	If it matches then it returns <i>MATCHED_WKDAY</i> or <i>MATCHED_WKEND</i> which indicates
	the input date is a holiday and it falls within the workday as specified by <i>START_DOW</i>
	and <i>END_DOW</i> or it falls on non workday, respectively.
Let me know if you have suggestions or corrections. I will be glad to incoporate them in the next release. Thank you.