
HD-1.0.2RC released

RC version for the latest of "HD1.0 for XCL2.1" has just been released.
After this version is tested for 1-2 week(s), HD1.0.2 final will be released.

This package contains XCL2.1.5

And four modules are added.

- d3downloads (photositelinks)
- cubookmarken (kilica)
- cinemaru (tokita)
- qscart (tohokuaiki)

If you are using HD1.0.1 or former, update it as follows:

- download an archive of hd_update_1_0_1.*
- upload/overwrite files inside the archive
- update each installed modules in modulesadmin

Try and enjoy it!

Posted by GIJOE 2008-08-09

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