
HD-1.0.1b released

HD-1.0.1 and HD-1.0.1a included some bugs.
HD-1.0.1b is a fixed version of HD-1.0.1

If you are running HD-1.0.1 or HD-1.0.1a just overwrite some files/directories from an updating archive:

- xoops_trust_path/wizin/
- xoops_trust_path/modules/wizmobile/
- xoops_trust_path/libs/smartyplugins/resource.db.php

If you are running HD-1.0.0 or former versions of HD or XCL2.1.x, just use the archive named or hd_update_1_0_1b.tar.gz

If you are running XOOPS2, try the archive named or hd_upgrade_from_x2_1_0_1b.tar.gz

Posted by GIJOE 2008-04-21

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