I'm not able to start TestPanel application using Run_Test_Panel.sh bash script.
Steps I've made:
I downloaded test-panel ver 2.2 from here:
by clicking this link:
"Download hapi-dist-2.2-all.tar.bz2 (37.7 MB)"
I unpacked whole content and made example/Run_Test_Panel.sh script executable on linux)
I commented out following lines in Run_Test_Panel.sh
they used incorrect bash syntax preventing script from running
Error: Could not find or load main class ca.uhn.hl7v2.app.TestPanel
This is because last line in script:
java -cp $CP -Dhapi.home=$HAPI_HOME ca.uhn.hl7v2.app.TestPanel $1
references TestPanel java class that is not present in any jar file that are located in lib/ director.
I have same problem here, can someone take a look?
I have same problem.