Activity for 膠登新聞閱讀器

  • Alex Alex committed [c7645a]

    open link in external browser, must install inapp browser module, and use "external" css class and "_system" target

  • Alex Alex committed [eb5d13]

    open link in external browser, must install inapp browser module, and use "external" css class and "_system" target

  • Alex Alex committed [7c157d]

    page flow

  • Alex Alex committed [3e037e]

    use domparser instead of creating html, prevent loading image or script

  • Alex Alex committed [5cb15a]

    handle android back button

  • Alex Alex committed [c0de0c]

    must use m.hkgalden instead of desktop version, because ajax get redirects to m.hkgalden

  • Alex Alex committed [0f5751]

    pull to refresh and infinite scroll

  • Alex Alex committed [7e20fe]

    app icon and release build

  • Alex Alex committed [5ba6c0]

    list and view done

  • Alex Alex committed [8ce707]

    get news list done

  • Alex Alex committed [8e48c0]

    integrate f7 done

  • Alex Alex committed [520863]

    Initial commit