
hk_classes / News: Recent posts

hk_classes 0.8.2 released

I have released new stable versions of hk_classes.

Main new features:

* a new form filter allows easier creation of filters, the QBE query editor
parses the condition criteria and automatically completes and corrects it.
* Module handling added. A module is a Python script collection (e.g.
functions) that can be loaded with
* A new driver 'dbase' has been included, which works out of the box (the
xbase driver can still be used).
* The postgres driver supports the modification of the table design better.
* The 'date' widget has a new design
* the csv import and export dialogs are improved.
* Many bugs are fixed (e.g. 64-bit support, and report handling)... read more

Posted by Horst Knorr 2006-10-29

hk_classes 0.8.1 released

I have released new stable versions of hk_classes and knoda.

Main new features:

* improved report generator. Report fields can automatically resize depending
on the size of the displayed text (set the "dynamic height" property to use
this in combination with the "line break" property). Fonts can be embedded
now (in the preferences dialog), so differences between the preview window
and the printed result should be history. There is also no need any more to
select a local charset.... read more

Posted by Horst Knorr 2006-04-21

hk_classes 0.5.4 released

hk_classes 0.5.4 released. Main new feature is a driver for Postgres (version 7.1 or higher). hk_classes has been ported to FreeBSD, compiles with gcc-3.2 and a lot of bugs are fixed.

hk_classes is set of C++-libraries which allow the rapid development of database applications either UI-independent or (in the moment) for KDE

Posted by Horst Knorr 2002-09-22

hk_classes 0.5.3 released

hk_classes is a database development library.
Comboboxes are improved, number formatting has
been added and a lot of bugs are fixed.

Posted by Horst Knorr 2002-07-21

hk_classes 0.5.2 released

hk_classes is a database development library.

This is mainly a bugfix release

Posted by Horst Knorr 2002-05-20

hk_classes 0.5.1 released

hk_classes is a database development library.

This is mainly a bugfix release

Posted by Horst Knorr 2002-03-17

hk_classes 0.5 released

hk_classes is a database development library. This release adds a report generator

Posted by Horst Knorr 2002-02-11

hk_classes 0.4.3 released

hk_classes is a database development library.

This is mainly a bugfix release

Posted by Horst Knorr 2001-10-08

hk_classes 0.4.1a released

it's pure a bugfix release. Exporting data to csv is possible again.

Posted by Horst Knorr 2001-09-02

hk_classes 0.4.1 released

*mysql driver is included in this package now
* gridcolumn management improved
* combobox support in forms
* hk_datasource: dependingmode added to get a kind of
referential integrity
* minor API changes
* transaction support added (not tested yet)
* various bugfixes

Posted by Horst Knorr 2001-08-29

hk_classes &hk_kdeclasses 0.4 released

hk_classes is a set of C++ libraries which allow the rapid development of database applications with all features a modern database application should have like forms an reports. hk_classes is database and GUI independent.
hk_kdeclasses supports the rapid development of KDE-2.x-database applications.

Posted by Horst Knorr 2001-07-01

knoda 0.1.1 available

compilation problems fixed.

Posted by Horst Knorr 2001-04-10

hk_classes 0.3.1 available

compilation problems fixed

Posted by Horst Knorr 2001-04-10

knoda 0.1

first public release of knoda available

Posted by Horst Knorr 2001-04-04

hk_classes 0.3 available

the first public release of hk_classes, hk_kdeclasses and hk_mysqlclasses

Posted by Horst Knorr 2001-04-04