
File History Flow Visualization / News: Recent posts

New Release

Version of the Eclipse plug-in File History Flow has been released.

New functionality:
The plug-in is able to assess interaction in project teams.

The database format has been changed. Therefore
this release is incompatible with version < 4.x.

Posted by Heiko Schlenker 2009-09-28

New Website

A new project website is now online at .
This gives a improved and more detailed overview over the functions of the visualization.

The next step on my lazy roadmap for this project is a new history extension point for repository adapters. That comes with one build in adapter for the missing support of subversion.

-- hkaest

Posted by Harald Kaestel-Baumgartner 2008-02-19

New Release


[ 1714207 ] Extension Point Schema is missing


Added a new image that shows only the changes in the history. Changes are added (green), deleted (red) or modified (blue) text ranges. Text ranges that are unmodified are shown in grey colors. A dark grey when the last modification of the text range is in the past. Light grey when it is in the future. The colors can be changed by the preferences.

Posted by Harald Kaestel-Baumgartner 2007-05-09

New release

New functionality:

Changed the behaviour when the annotation selection changes. The selected ranges to show are kept. This helps to move with the arrow keys from revision to revision with the focus on changed ranges or a other selected detail.


A fault in preference store for "show bars" and "link with editor" has been fixed.

Posted by Harald Kaestel-Baumgartner 2007-04-29

New Release

- The metric view has been improved.

Note: There are three metrics defined which can be extended by the extension point de.feu.coeclipse.historyflow.metricProvider. How to do this will be described in may on the project website.

- Tooltips are working better now.
- If the file in database is out of sync a message is shown.

Note: In a later release only the missing revisions are loaded from the remote repository.... read more

Posted by Harald Kaestel-Baumgartner 2007-04-22

Release with new metric extension point

Release Name:

This release contains a basic implementation of a metric view. Metrics can be contributed by the extension point de.coeclipse.historyflow.metricProvider.

Posted by Harald Kaestel-Baumgartner 2007-03-31

Notes about the development environment

- eclipse 3.3M3 is used at the moment for test and development.
- for test the elipse repository is used, mainly the jdt-packages.
- as database hsqldb and mysql has been tested, mysql is recommended.
- Platforms are Windows 2000 and MAC OS X10.4. On the MAC system there at the moment unresolved problems with the font size in the tabbed properties view.

If you have problems or errors it should help to inform us about the repository and the special file if they are public. If you run another database it's more complicated to test it. ... read more

Posted by Harald Kaestel-Baumgartner 2007-03-31

Now hosted at sourceforge

The plug-in is now hosted and available at

Posted by Harald Kaestel-Baumgartner 2007-02-01