

Aaron Crosman

Welcome to Historia

Historia is a desktop application that runs inside your web browser meant to support the work of Historians while writing dissertations and books. The goal is to develop a program that is powerful enough to support the large scale these projects take on, the features needed by historians to do their work effectively, and to avoid features that are useful in other fields (and therefore common in other projects) that are rare for historians.


This wiki is devoted to providing documentation for this project. The documentation will be written as the project evolves, with the hope of avoiding a massive effort later. Documentation is broken into two major sections: internal and user. Internal documentation is meant to help keep the lead programmer sane, and to help other programmers who would like to contribute to this effort. User documentation is meant to support end users. Most people will probably be more interested in the user documentation. On day hopefully that will be the larger/more useful set of docs, however right now the program doesn't do much, so the documentation is scant.

Project Admins:


Wiki: Internal Docs