
Hippo.NET / News: Recent posts

Hippo.NET 1.4.0 Build Tool Released

New features:
- Hippo.Client multiproject support
- Get Latest Binaries Command
- Automatically Get Latest Binaries

Read full story here:

Posted by Jan Tielens 2003-11-27

Hippo.NET 1.3.0 Released

For more info:

Posted by Jan Tielens 2003-11-05


The Hippo.NET build tool is available quite some time. I've got some feedback (not very much) and there are some problem reports, mostly due to the rather limited installation manual.

Now the time has come to release a new Hippo.NET version, but I need some more feedback of everybody who is using Hippo.NET. So if you have tried Hippo.NET and you don't like, or you really like it, you have some problems with it, you know some cool features you would like to see, ... please give me some feedback. You can comment on this post or send me an email ( THANKS!!... read more

Posted by Jan Tielens 2003-06-17

Stable version 1.2.0 released

New features are:
- Server is now a Windows Service
- Multi project support
- Notifications

Posted by Jan Tielens 2003-04-25

Hippo.NET Sneak Preview available for download!

Due to some requests, I've compiled a Sneak Preview version of Hippo.NET. Hippo.NET is a tool for streamlining the build process of .NET projects in a team envirionment. It provides continuous integration by monitoring the shared Visual SourceSafe database and starting the build process when changes are detected. An important design goal is to provide a nice and easy-to-use user interface, to monitor builds and trigger the build process when needed.

Posted by Jan Tielens 2003-04-14

Project started!

Hi all,

Welcome to the Hippo.NET project. The goal of this project is to make a tool that helps team development with the build process. Hippo.NET is in fact a combination of Draco.NET and MS BuildIt. It will provide an easy-to-use GUI to trigger builds and retrieve build results.

I would like to welcome Raf Franco, as a member of this project. He will give some advice and recommandations, and maybe if he can free some time, even develop!... read more

Posted by Jan Tielens 2003-04-01