
Hipo - Hypothetical Computer / News: Recent posts

Hipo 2.0 Alpha rc2 released!

I have found a bug in the previous release, so the new version is corrected and with new functions.
See the change log for more detailed info.

Posted by Rafael Schouery 2006-03-26

Hipo 2.0 Alpha rc 1 is here!

The first alpha release of the new version of the Hipo - The Hipotetical Computer was been released!
Now Hipo is a Plataform Independent Software, with a GUI and a more clean and easy interface.

Posted by Rafael Schouery 2006-03-20

New WebSite

The Hipo 2.0 alpha rc1 is gonna be launched this week, so the new web site is ready.

Posted by Rafael Schouery 2006-03-15

System Design

All program's screen is draw. I will continue the discussion on that matter because the developers think that is very important a system user-frindly because the nature of the project.
When the final decision about the design have taken I will post then.

Posted by Rafael Schouery 2005-11-20