
Configuring hieos 2.0+

  • Lindsay Wilson

    Lindsay Wilson - 2011-09-28

    I was wondering if there was any updated configuration steps for the latest hieos trunk?  I'm trying to get a local repository up and running with the latest pix/pdq functionality.

    I'm attempting to use the instructions for 1.2 as a starting point and changing the configuration as necessary but I'm running into a lot of errors when I start up the console. 

    So far the major changes I've noticed:
    -Change the environment files to point to the new placement of trunk folder equivalents (due to no more xref folder)
    -Add an JVM_OPT for openempi_home, set to HIEOS_ROOT/config/openempi
    -deploy additional project pixmgr using NetBeans

    The major problems I've been working through are the following:
      -it doesn't automatically find jars required for pixmgr (I can manually add these to glassfish's lib\ext folder or the axis2.war WEB-INF\lib folder but there are a LOT of them missing and it doesn't feel like the right process)
      -it doesn't automatically find properties files in trunk\config\openempi folder though I have a openempi.home specified in my JVM_OPTIONS  (I can manually copy them into the WEB-INF\classes folder but again it doesn't feel like the correct process)

    Does anyone know how to get around these problems?

  • Lindsay Wilson

    Lindsay Wilson - 2011-09-29

    Nevermind.  Got it working, with some more changes along these lines.

    Additionally problems I noticed with their workarounds (for reference if anyone else runs into the same problems):
    -had to replace cglib-2.1_3 with a no dependencies version of the jar
    -the trunk was missing jar jaxb1-impl-2.1.7.jar
    -had to remove spring 1.2.6 due to conflict with spring 2.5.4 jars

  • Bernie Thuman

    Bernie Thuman - 2011-10-05

    We are not currently providing forum support for HIEOS releases outside of release 1.2.  The trunk is under development and is considered "use at your own risk".


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