I would like to install HIEOS in a GlassFish application server which already uses the metro webservice stack. Is this possible? Or would I need to create a seperate GlassFish domain?
Posted: July 31, 2009 15:08 by anandsastry
HIEOS can be installed on the same Glassfish domain as CONNECT. However, this is not recommended for live production environments, where it would be advisable to have CONNECT and HIEOS deployed on different hardware.
The one issue you will run into is a conflict with the file, “C:\GlassFishESB\glassfish\lib\ehcache-1.2.3.jar”. This artifact is used both by the OMAR (ebxmlv3) registry, a component of HIEOS, and by CONNECT. For the time being, I have removed this file. In the long term though, it might be beneficial to move all third party libraries utilized by CONNECT to within the application’s scope, unless it is absolutely required to be in a higher scope such as “C:\GlassFishESB\glassfish\lib”.
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Posted: July 29, 2009 21:14 by Anonymous User
I would like to install HIEOS in a GlassFish application server which already uses the metro webservice stack. Is this possible? Or would I need to create a seperate GlassFish domain?
Posted: July 31, 2009 15:08 by anandsastry
HIEOS can be installed on the same Glassfish domain as CONNECT. However, this is not recommended for live production environments, where it would be advisable to have CONNECT and HIEOS deployed on different hardware.
The one issue you will run into is a conflict with the file, “C:\GlassFishESB\glassfish\lib\ehcache-1.2.3.jar”. This artifact is used both by the OMAR (ebxmlv3) registry, a component of HIEOS, and by CONNECT. For the time being, I have removed this file. In the long term though, it might be beneficial to move all third party libraries utilized by CONNECT to within the application’s scope, unless it is absolutely required to be in a higher scope such as “C:\GlassFishESB\glassfish\lib”.