

Jim Foster
  • Jim Foster

    Jim Foster - 2012-01-19

    I note from the Setup Guides for HIEOS 2.0 that GlassFish 2.1 is still being recommended, even though the current 3.x version has been out for over two years now (Dec 10, 2009).

    Is there a reason for this?
    Does this imply that the 3.x version of GlassFish is not supported?
    If not, is there a road map for 3.x support, since , as noted, the 2.1 version is aged (and therefore so too this project)?

    Thank you for your time.

    • Jim
  • Bernie Thuman

    Bernie Thuman - 2012-06-30

    We have been focusing on features … by all means, please post results if you take this on yourself.

  • Bernie Thuman

    Bernie Thuman - 2012-07-06

    Also, this project is not "aged".  It is active regarding feature enhancements in addition to successful IHE Connectathon participation for the last 4 years in a row.


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