
0.4.2 released

Well, hidprox 0.4.2 has been released. It was a rushed release, since I'm on vacation currently (using the internet at a mall right now :))

Hidprox 0.4.2 contains a DoS condition bug fix, if the server admin takes the precaution. The server admin will need to set the admin port in the configuration file. The default is 7003, and there is no logging in, so make sure the port is only known by you (the admin).

After connecting to the admin port, you can reload the userlist by typing "reload users" or you can kill all of the server's fork()'ed children by typing "kill child". This fixes the bug fix. I tried a different way (using the max_users variable), but that didn't work out for some reason. I think I know why, but I can't deal with it until I come back from my vacation.

There is also another fix: HTTP downloads. You can now download files via HTTP.

Once I get home, I'll try hidprox with other protocols, such as FTP, but I don't think it will work.

We are currently working on a port to windows. We have the client coded, but there are MAJOR bugs that don't allow the client to talk to the server properly.

I will be off vacation on the 23rd, but I will be swamped with work (getting my driver's license and school starting).

Thanks for your patience,

Shawn Webb

Posted by Shawn Webb 2003-08-19

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