
Segmentation fault error when compile example

  • wl1167

    wl1167 - 2009-12-29

    At first, thanks for your last reply of "tempfile " error. I'm using RHEL 5.4, so I should  vi /opt/hicuda/bin/hicuda script and change "tempfile" command to "mktemp".

    When I compile matrixMul example using make, found some error informatino following, I'm wondering how to fix this.

    OS: RHEL 5.4 32bit
    gcc version:  4.1.2 20080704
    Open64 Compiler Suite: Version 4.1

    # make
    hicuda -o mm_hicuda  mm_hicuda.c common.c
    Signal: Segmentation fault in IPA Summary phase.
    Error: Signal Segmentation fault in phase IPA Summary - processing aborted
    *** Internal stack backtrace:
    opencc INTERNAL ERROR: /opt/hicuda/lib/gcc-lib/x86_64-open64-linux/4.1/ipl died due to signal 4

        CUDA code generation FAILED (in opencc).
        The error message should be right above, starting with ###.

        If you believe that there is a bug in the hiCUDA compiler,
        please submit a report to:

    make: ***  错误 1

  • Tianyi David Han

    Thanks for reporting the problem. This appears to be a bug in the Open64 compiler. Here is a diff on the problematic file:

        Index: src/osprey/ipa/local/ipl_summarize_util.h
        -- src/osprey/ipa/local/ipl_summarize_util.h   (revision 35)
        +++ src/osprey/ipa/local/ipl_summarize_util.h   (working copy)
        @@ -314,14 +314,22 @@
         // be deleted from hash tables in Restore_from_check_point.
         // -------------------------------------------
        -namespace {
        -    template <class X>
        -    struct ptr_hash {
        -       size_t operator() (const X* s) const {
        -           return reinterpret_cast<size_t> (s);
        -       }
        -    };
        +// namespace {
        +template <class X>
        +struct ptr_hash
        +    size_t operator() (const X* s) const
        +    {
        +        return reinterpret_cast<size_t> (s);
        +    }
        +// }
         typedef hash_map<CODEREP*, INT, ptr_hash<CODEREP>, std::equal_to<CODEREP*>,
             mempool_allocator<CODEREP*> > CHI_CR_TO_INT_MAP;



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