
HicCalc / News: Recent posts

New Release

We just released the latest version of the software today. All the reported bugs have been rectified and hence we believe this version is pretty stable. The current release is just a test for the next release which will have logs, square roots, multiple graphs and many other similar functions.

The second release wouldn't have been possible without your support. Again, Thanks a lot for helping out with the bug reports and ofcourse, ur support and downloads.

Posted by Manu Mohan Pillai 2009-08-06

Online demo

We have released an online demo for you to check out the functions of the current release of the calculator. Please visit to check it out.
Thanks a lot for your support and help.

Posted by Manu Mohan Pillai 2009-01-28

'EXE' Release

Since many windows users don't have JRE installed on their systems, we have put together an Executable file for windows.
Please download the '.exe' file (if JRE isn't installed on your system) by selecting the 'EXE' file from 'Browse all packages' link on the download page.

Posted by Manu Mohan Pillai 2009-01-26

First Release!

The first release of "HicCalc 1.0 Beta" has been made and can be downloaded now at .

Posted by Manu Mohan Pillai 2009-01-02