
Tree [a738a4] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 CAD 2019-03-17 Ulrich Habel Ulrich Habel [e3d580] HW_1V1 - Manufacturing data added
 Docs 2019-03-14 Ulrich Habel Ulrich Habel [336eaa] DOCS - Request by PCB board house and fixes
 SW 2019-03-12 Ulrich Habel Ulrich Habel [ca789c] SW_1V1 - lost directory structure re-established
 .gitignore 2018-10-03 Ulrich Habel Ulrich Habel [4550b3] DOCS - .gitignore - .DS_Store added 2019-03-12 Ulrich Habel Ulrich Habel [242068] DOCS - lost directory structure re-established

Read Me


V1.1 PCB after placement was done:

Screenshot of V1.1

These are the included devices for the V1.1:

  • CPU: ST Microelectronics STM32L496ZGT6P (80MHz ARM Cortex-M4 w/ 1MB FLASH / 320kB RAM)
  • ext. Flash and EEPROM (8MB more data to be kept outside of the MCU / 8kB configuration data)
  • GSM / GNSS / BT: SIM868 (SMS / GPRS / GPS, Glonass ...)
  • VHF/UHF FSK and LoRa: SX1262 (VHF TX/RX)
  • VHF/UHF All but Lora: AX5243 (VHF TX/RX)
  • Accel/Gyro/Mag: BNO085 (3Axis-Acceleration, 3Axis-Gyro, 3Axis-Magneto - motion tracking engine)
  • Baro/Hygro/Temp/AirQuality: BME680 (0.12Pa equiv. 1.7cm)
  • VCTCXO: CFPT-141_20MHz (being synchronized to the GPS 1PPS signal by pulling the VC)
  • Clock PLL (distributing any clocks that are needed)
  • Audio ADC and DAC (connected to the I2S facilities)
  • LCD 16x2 display (draws less than 1mA from the battery)
  • E-Ink-Display w/ 200x200px (more fun with even less energy)
  • Archer Headers (expanded by up to two daughter boards)
  • SMA sockets: GSM, GNSS, BlueTooth, SX1262, AX5243 (each device has its own antenna socket)
  • PMICs for 12V, USB, Solar-Cells, 3.3V, 1.2V (high efficiency on board)
  • Electronic Switches: Subcircuits to be powered on/off by request (ultra-low-power to full-media)
  • LiPo-Connector: 1-cell 3.7V (high power request by the SIM868 device to be satisfied)
  • ... and some more fun... (what is missing? ;-)