
HexEdit turns 10

Yes, it's true...HexEdit is 10 years old! Jim Bumgardner first released HexEdit v1.0 on July 23, 1993 and the Mac OS community has been grateful for his wonderful file editor ever since. So, happy (somewhat belated) birthday to HexEdit on it's 10th anniversary!

HexEdit started out being a very compact editor capable of editing very large files on machines with one or two megabytes of RAM. Today HexEdit is still quite small (the code is only 188K compiled!) and able to edit even larger files very quickly. It's been translated into French, German and Japanese as well as from 68000 to PowerPC and now from Classic Mac OS to Mac OS X. Compatability has alwasy been stressed, and it still runs on a 68K machine (if you can find one) although future development is focused on Mac OS X.

I hope the rest of you enjoy the program as much as I do, and thanks Jim for a great program...looking forward to 10 more years of superior hex editing!



Posted by Lane Roathe 2003-08-17

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