
Hexagonal Minesweeper / News: Recent posts

Profiles forum is available.

I've added new "Profiles" forum, where players can publish and discuss game profiles.
You think you know how to make this game more balanced/difficult/interesting? Feel free to post your profile there!

Posted by Alexey Maslennikov 2006-07-07

Version 0.2.1

Version 0.2.1 is released.
Configuration file support.
Game profiles support.

Posted by Alexey Maslennikov 2006-06-23

Native windows version

Hexagonal Minesweeper releases would from now be available as win32 binaries, eliminatng the need to install the prerequisities, such as Python and PyGame, in order to run it.

Thanks to gefenm11 for his generous offer to build and provide mentioned binaries.

The downside is that parameter configuration is not accessible in binary format. I would add options page to the game, eventually, but as for now, that's the way it is.

Posted by Alexey Maslennikov 2006-06-15

Stable Release 0.2.0

Version 0.2.0 is considered relatively stable.
It now has almost all of the intended features, although not too polished. This include some configuration parameters(now accessible by editing the script itself, but this will change) and skins support.

Posted by Alexey Maslennikov 2006-06-15