
hessiancpp / News: Recent posts

1.1.0 is here

Version 1.1.0 has been released! If you're using hessiancpp, please take a look at the new version, it contains important updates.

Posted by Radu-Adrian Popescu 2011-01-10

Code in CVS

Great news, the hessiancpp and sslpp code is now in CVS.

Yes, I know, I can't help it though.

Posted by Radu-Adrian Popescu 2004-10-21

Preparing library source code

The hessiancpp library source code, including the sslpp code is being prepared for CVS upload.
This means marking the source files as LGPL as indicated at, writing INSTALL and README files and fishing for copyright notices for external code.

Hopefully this will be done by the end of the week.

Posted by Radu-Adrian Popescu 2004-10-21