
Hero Core / News: Recent posts

Murpg Core is now Hero Core!

Yay! We are back in business and we have a new project name to better reflect how awesome this core is. Plus, I don't like getting Marvel Universe results when I search on Google.

A new core is forthcoming. Please contact me if you have been using the old core, and I can hook you up with an advanced copy.


Posted by Anonymous 2007-07-19

News Now Managed on Official Website

Check out for news updates and the latest release info. Packages will be available from the Sourceforge site as well, but news will no longer be managed here.


Posted by Anonymous 2002-03-15

Murpg Core v0.3 Released

Version 0.3 of the Murpg Core has been released. See Release Notes for more info.


Posted by Anonymous 2002-02-25

Murpg Core v0.21 Released, v0.30 Schedule Change

The Murpg Team has released the Murpg Core v0.21, which includes about ninety help topics, major editor improvements, and minor fixes.

The Team has pushed back the release of v0.30 to the middle of February, and will include inventory functionality, wearable functionality, more communication systems, among other things.

The Team is also in the process of setting up a testing server for team members to debug and design, which also will form the foundation of the beta test system.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2002-02-09

Murpg v0.3 Nearing Completion

Murpg v0.3 is nearing completion, and will include in-db help topics for nearly every command and API call. Yes, that is a lot of documentation!

Functionality improvements will be minor, and will include some inventory and object manipulation enhancements.

We are still looking for anyone interested in coding. Send a note to ixion at guardianwall dot com for info on becoming part of the project.

Posted by Anonymous 2002-01-09

v0.2 of Murpg Core Released

Lots of new stuff here...check out the Changelog.txt in the distribution for details.

Some highlights:

can now look at things.

multiple languages now supported for sights and sounds.

simple online editor added. only works with props.

new commands: who, uptime.

theme support added.

help system completely rewritten. works great now, only no help docs yet!

msg functionality rewritten.

lots of new utils, bug fixes, and rewrites (of course).... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2001-07-19

First Public Murpg Core Released

The first public release of the Murpg Project's core database is now available via

This core is very alpha (v0.1), which means we aren't even close to our goals for v1.0 yet. However, it is a functional core, with a solid foundation for greater things to come. And there are some nice features already, like the logging facility, ANSI color, a fast quicksort implementation, a more traditional MUD-like login interface, just to name a few.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2001-07-09