
hepsource / News: Recent posts

Dvegas 2.0.0 released

Dvegas facilitates adaptive Monte Carlo integration based on an enhanced and extended version of Peter Lepage's VEGAS algorithm. It allows to automatically take into account correlations. The code is fully object-oriented, written in ISO/ANSI standard C++, makes extensive use of the C++ Standard Library and includes an interface to OmniComp.

OmniComp is an intuitive system that is easy to install and use which allows to accelerate Monte Carlo programs through distributed execution on workstation clusters or PC farms as well as multi-processor machines. It is based on omniORB, a high-performance, open-source CORBA implementation from AT&T Laboratories Cambridge. Notably, it does not require thread-safe integrand implementations.

Posted by Nikolas Kauer 2002-05-07

OmniComp 1.0.0 released

OmniComp 1.0.0 has been released. It is included in Dvegas 2.0.0.

Posted by Nikolas Kauer 2002-05-07

kinematics 1.0.0 released

The kinematics package provides C++ classes to simulate hadron collider kinematics and selection cuts. Key features of the implementation are lazy evaluation and result buffering, which together allow code to be written in a clear and compact manner (as illustrated in boost()). An extensive test suite is included.

Posted by Nikolas Kauer 2002-01-19

omnicomp 1.0 alpha 0 released

omnicomp facilitates distributed, heterogeneous, object-oriented scientific computing with an intuitive system that is easy to install and use. It is based on a high-performance, open-source CORBA implementation from AT&T Laboratories Cambridge. It features support for C++, Fortran and C, and allows to accelerate programs through distributed execution on workstation clusters or PC farms as well as multi-processor machines. Only minor modifications are needed to adapt existing code. Thread safety is not required. Details about this alpha release can be found in the README file.

Posted by Nikolas Kauer 2001-07-20

dVegas 1.1 beta 1 released

dVegas facilitates adaptive Monte Carlo integration based on Peter Lepage's VEGAS algorithm. It is written in C++ and includes interfaces for Fortran and C. A parallel library version is provided for multiprocessor machines. Version 1.1 is based on an extended algorithm that allows to relax the separability assumption for some or all dimensions. It also includes a standalone Python module and a Python wrapper around the C++ implementation. Details about dVegas features and this release can be found in the release notes and package documentation.

Posted by Nikolas Kauer 2001-03-12

dVegas 1.0.0 released

dVegas facilitates adaptive Monte Carlo integration based on Peter Lepage's VEGAS algorithm. It is written in C++ and includes interfaces for Fortran and C. A parallel library version is provided for multiprocessor machines. Details about dVegas features and this release can be found in the release notes and package documentation.

Posted by Nikolas Kauer 2001-03-12

htl2hbook 1.0.0 released

htl2hbook, a Python script, generates HBOOK-style histogram output from HTL printout or raw histogram data. Usage instructions can be found in The package includes input and output example files.

Posted by Nikolas Kauer 2001-03-11

dVegas 1.0 beta 2 released

dVegas facilitates adaptive Monte Carlo integration based on Peter Lepage's VEGAS algorithm. It is written in C++ and includes interfaces for Fortran and C. Parallel library versions are provided for multiprocessor machines and workstation clusters. Details about dVegas features and this beta release can be found in the release notes and package documentation.

Posted by Nikolas Kauer 2000-09-27