
New Build - Version 7.1 Build 410.

This build fixes all bugs / issues reported since Build 385.

B = Bug Fix
N = New Feature
I = Improvement

B - Fixed bug in WinHelp import where "?/@#$%^" characters are now filtered out in import. This caused HTML-Help compilation to fail.
B - Fixed several import issues.
N - Command Line Compile.
Command-Line compile settings:
'/ch' for CHM
'/cp' for PDF
'/cw' for WinHelp
'/cr' for RTF
The syntax is:

= c:\program files\avhelp\avhelp.exe
= /ch, /cp, /cw, /cr
= full path of the *.sh5 file to compile.

For example:
c:\program files\avhelp\avhelp.exe /cr c:\documents\help.sh5

That will compile the help file as WinHelp.

N - USB Thumb Drive support. (Contact us for details on how to install HelpMaker on a USB Thumb Drive.
N - Added a menu-popup option to "set as Default Topic".

N - Chapter to Text items now are shown in HTML_Website Help
N - Chapter to Text items now have Map IDs.
B - Various Bugs fixed.

N - Added Clear all table borders.
N - Linking to other CHM now fixed.
B - Fixed some issues with PowerEditor.
N - Added Javascript tree.
N - Complex bullet and numbering in both WinHelp and HTML-Help.
B - Menu misnamed error.
B - Bold Bullet turns entire line into bold. This is now fixed.
B - Quotes Space in hyperlink fixed.
B - Warning on File|Close added.
N - Added "Topic" Macro to WebHelp.
B - Fixed Keyword error in WebHelp.
B - Flags for WebHelp compile was wrong. This is now fixed.
B - Fixed the HLP_Import.
B - Fixed the Import/Export.

B = Fixed Popup Bug. The bug is that normal hyperlinks turns into pop-up links instead.
B = White color on new topic. New topics would sometimes show white color instead of the normal beige color.
B = Setting color in TOC Template. The tempate would ignore custom colours.
B = Popup with other extensions ".htm", ".asp" would give a Javascript error. That is fixed.
N = Auto-increment changed to Power Editor.
N = Power Editor. This can edit Help Context Numbers, and TopicIDs easily.
B = Horizonal Scrolling in Tree fixed.
B = After compiling, the Tree becomes black. This is fixed now.
B = Import WinHelp fixed.
B = HelpMaker would pick-up things from the trash-can on compilation. This is now fixed.
B = Table of contents now has Javascript Tree.
N = Cancel on exit added.
N = Double confirm to close program. (Incase you lose data).
B = Stream Read Error is fixed.
B = Cannot focus on a disabled window on startup. This is fixed.
B = Fixed Eastern European support. Some characters in Czech. language was not showing up correctly.

Posted by sally 2005-05-19

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