
#58 Java 9 is an issue  Edit


Hello Again. This is not actually an issue with HelloNZB v1.4.8. It's more of an issue with Java 9+11. If I run some older applications that need Java, it appears sometimes to make HelloNZB hang or crash. (I like to run HelloNZB minimozed, with a bandwidth cap.) I am imprecise about this, because I have not done exhaustive fault identification. Sorry. Also, Java 9+11 breaks some of my older Java apps, some of which would be difficult to replace or update. I've dropped back to Java 8+161, and I've loaded both 32-bit and 64-bit Java.

Is there any possibility that you would consider releasing one more Java 8+161 version of HelloNZB? If not, don't worry. I completely understand the undesirability of moving backwards with software development.



  • Matthias

    Matthias - 2018-02-22

    Hi, unfortunately it is not easy for us to switch back from Java 9 now, sorry.
    But how about using HelloNzb 1,4.7 if you need to use Java 8?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2018-02-22

    Hi. Yes, I am using 1.4.7 now. It has some minor issues with very large files. Maybe I can use Java 9 later this year, after a few revisions. Thanks.

  • Matthias

    Matthias - 2018-02-22

    Thanks for your feedback.
    What exactly are these issues with very large files?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2018-02-23

    Couple of odd things. Mostly with files that have 4000-5000 segments or more. Also...the large segment count must be for a single file. Usually two-three seasons of an anime, in 720p or 1080p, compressed into a single bundle. (1) Sometimes percent complete goes bad. Sometimes "progress" reaches 100% while many segments are left to download. I have never been able to finish a download after this happens. (2) Sometimes after all segments are downloaded, HelloNZB will stop decoding in the middle of a file. Saving of file always seems to work, if the process gets that far.

    Difficult for me to bughunt these. I like to download using low bandwidth...50 KBytes to 80 KBytes. Thus a single test case may take a couple of days to malfunction. If HelloNZB is minimized...while I do other computer use...I may not notice a fail or a hang for a day or two.

    Is there a command line option, or a registry setting that would write download segments to disk? I have other tools I could use to combine and decode them. At present, if there is a hiccup, I lose these segments and must start download from scratch.


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2018-02-23

    Another thought... With cyber coins...crypto currency...some "wallets" will download entire blockchain...150 GBytes to 200 disk. If even one "block" (segment) is missing, truncated, corrupted, or incorrectly time/date stamped...then the entire blockchain must usually be downloaded from scratch. This is a growing problem. World needs tools to examine individual block...check correlation with prior block and next block...replace and integrade new block if flaw is found.

    This problem seems to be very similar to certain NZB file download, assembly, and repair problems. Perhaps you could design a point tool to address both problems? Not exact same tool, of course. But similar in concept, with similar user interface? Or maybe I have too much coffee today.



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