
#48 Can not connect to Usenet server with Windows 10  Edit


I installed HelloNzb a week ago or so on Windows 10. It ran fine until two days ago. It ran it OK late one evening and I shutdown the PC. After turning it on the next day, HelloNzb failed to connect to the and still does not....

I uninstalled HelloNzb v1.4.4 and deleted the register line below. Restarted it, re-entered server data and it still failed to connect.
Uninstalled and deleted from Windows registry.

I uninstalled HelloNzb again and tried running V1.4.3.1. Still failed to connect.

I tried the .jar release for v1.4.3.1, Same failure.

I disabled AVAST Anti-Virus and ZoneAlarm firewall, Same failure....

Below is the log of the HelloNzb v1.4.4 failure and the current Java version I am running.

HelloNzb Log:
DEBUG: Default NIO client: Initialised.
DEBUG: Default NIO client: Starting main loop ...
DEBUG: Creating new channel #1 Could not connect to remote server
me.mabra.hellonzb.nntpclient.nioengine.NettyNioClient.createNewChannel(Unknown Source) Source) Source)

DEBUG: NettyNioClient stopped
DEBUG: NioClient should shutdown now

JAVA version:
Java Plug-in
Using JRE version 1.8.0_60-b27 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
Java website tells me this is the latest version.

Then I installed HelloNzb v1.4.4 on my old Windows Vista computer with the same version of JAVA installed.
It ran perfectly... No problems... The problem seems to be related to Windows 10.


  • Matthias

    Matthias - 2015-09-09

    Thanks for the detailed bug report, that's very interesting. Unfortunately i have no Windows 10 machine at hand right now, so I cannot test it at the moment. I plan to update within the next weeks though.

    One shot in the dark: Have you tried both the 32 bit and 64 bit version of Java?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-09-09

    I installed Java 64 bit. Started HelloNzb and it failed again when I tried to 'Test Server Connection'. Same error data. This was with both 32 bit and 64 bit Java installed. Then I uninstalled the 32 bit Java and restarted Windows 10, but it still failed the same.

    DEBUG: Default NIO client: Initialised.
    DEBUG: Default NIO client: Starting main loop ...
    DEBUG: Creating new channel #1 Could not connect to remote server
    me.mabra.hellonzb.nntpclient.nioengine.NettyNioClient.createNewChannel(Unknown Source) Source) Source)

    DEBUG: NettyNioClient stopped
    DEBUG: NioClient should shutdown now

  • Matthias

    Matthias - 2015-09-09

    It's really weird.
    Have you tried another Usenet client from that same Win10 machine?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-09-10

    Yes... After HelloNzb stopped working, I found SuperNZB and that works perfectly. Not as nice as HelloNzb, but functional..... 8-)

  • Matthias

    Matthias - 2015-10-23

    So I finally managed to install Win10 on my machine. However, I cannot reproduce your the error you're experienceing with HelloNzb, sorry. On my machine, using latest Java, it's running fine, as under Win8.1.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-11-19
    • assigned_to: Matthias
    • Group: -->
    • Priority: 1 --> 2
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-11-25

    I have been using SuperNZB program to access Usenet and it works OK. I have installed all of Windows 10 updates (a LOT) since I had the intial failure. I re-installed HelloNZB today and I still have the failure of not connecting to the USENET server.

    After I first installed HelloNZB on Windows 10, it worked great for a couple weeks. Then it just stopped connecting one morning for no apparent reason. Nothing with software or hardware had changed from the previous day. Hopefully it will also fail on your Windows 10 machine after a few weeks so you can see the problem I have.

    I know..... It makes no sense at all.....

  • Matthias

    Matthias - 2015-11-25

    Hehe, I hope it does not :)
    Well, I am really sorry, but I have no idea.
    I don't see a reason why it shouldn't work under Windows 10 ... after a while.

    Will get back to you if I can reproduce your error!

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2017-01-30

    Hello, I just tried to use HelloNZB it will not connect with the server on the computer with Windows 10. Java 32/64 is installed. Also the servertest does not work.If I push the download button....nothing happens. Other functions of the program are freely accessible. I have another computer with Windows 7 and that one works fine.



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