
#37 reconnect failes  Edit


In some cases HelloNZB will be disconnected from the server and be unable to reconnect properly. It's trying, but failing. Pressing the "Stop Download" button and waiting a couple of minutes resolves the matter, but it's kind of annoying when you start a huge download and use the "shutdown after download complete" button. Often it will then be stuck in this reconnect state all night.


  • Matthias

    Matthias - 2014-05-24

    Thanks for reorting this issue. I have never experienced this behaviour though, so it's hard for me to tell what it could be. The next time this happens, could you please have a look at the log window and send me the output please?

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2014-05-25

      See attachment.

      It starts trying to create a lot new channels and continues until i press stop.

  • Matthias

    Matthias - 2014-05-25

    I see, that is strange, I have never experienced that so far. But I will have a look, I could catch that situation and "hard" re-connect in such a case. Will let you know when I have updated the software.

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2014-05-25

      To me it seems that the client is trying to reconnect too fast.
      My guess is that the server refuse the connection, because it still has not registered the disconnect properly and will because of this hit max number of connections.

  • Matthias

    Matthias - 2014-05-25

    Well, that sounds reasonable. Good guess! I have changed to code a bit to wait in such a case for a second before trying to reconnect.

    Could you please be so kind and have a look at the attached update, does it fix your issue?

    PS: You can run the jar file usually simply by double-clicking on it. Or you run it from command line via "java -jar \Path\to\HelloNzb.jar".

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2014-05-26

      I've started to test. Will report back the results.

      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2014-05-26

        Still the same, I think.
        It will keep retrying without success.
        If I press "stop" and then "Start Download" immediatly after "DEBUG: NettyNioClient stopped" appears it works again.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-08-12

    my program can`t connecting by host
    I primum in XS Usenet
    120 mb\s



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