
The Helianto Project / News: Recent posts

SVN repository no longer available

After a transition period, Git is now the Helianto official version control system. Pleas, refer to Git documentation to get Helianto code from the repository.

Posted by Maurício Fernandes de Castro 2011-08-30

Migration to git repository

The migration from SVN to git is now complete. Within 90 days, the current svn repository will be no longer available, and from development version 0.3.0-20110226 will no longer be updated. Please, follow the instructions under the "Develop" tab to get the code using git.

Thank you,

Helianto development team.

Posted by Maurício Fernandes de Castro 2011-02-27

Released 0.3.0-20100926 development version

This release follows the current development goal to make the code more consistent.

Posted by Maurício Fernandes de Castro 2010-09-26

Released 0.2.8 version

Contains simplifications to help developers startup with the library.

Posted by Maurício Fernandes de Castro 2010-03-21

Released maintenance version

To fix installation problems found on jnfe project.

Posted by Maurício Fernandes de Castro 2010-03-19

Released 0.2.6 version

Updates dependencies to follow Spring 3.0-RELEASE

Posted by Maurício Fernandes de Castro 2010-01-13

Development m4 snapshot release available

A new development snapshot is available.

Please note that the module "domain" was completely removed. This is part of a change, started some time ago, to convert domain classes from hbm based to annotations.

Any help or comments are welcome.

Posted by Maurício Fernandes de Castro 2007-04-18

Milestone m3 released

M3 is now available. Please, note that Hibernate metadata is changing from hbm.xml files to annotations. Also, a new modularization is in progress.

Posted by Maurício Fernandes de Castro 2007-04-04

CVS migration

Please, notice that CVS repository is no longer accessible as all new commits will be posted to SVN!

Posted by Maurício Fernandes de Castro 2006-04-02