
HeavyMole / News: Recent posts

Beta 0.7.0 released

The main features of this release are:

* Drag and drop between almost everything. Unfortunately, the drop to another program under win32 doesn't work at present time, as it is not yet implemented in the win32 port of GTK+.
* Theme and font management (skins).
* Advanced log management: much more events are commented and a log file is written.

This release was ready three weeks ago but we haven't any central server. Moreover, the current one can be unstable.

Posted by Christian Van Brussel 2003-11-26

Beta 0.6.2 released

Beta 0.6.2 released

Message posted on September, 19th 2003

Check release history at for details

The main features of this release are:

* HeavyMole is much more stable
* HeavyMole is much prettier

Posted by Louis Antoine 2003-09-19

Beta 0.6.1 released

The main features of this release are:

* optimizations
* successfully tested on BSD
* bug fixes

Check release history for details:

Posted by Christian Van Brussel 2003-08-07

Beta 0.6.0 released

The main features of this release are:

* BSD support
* better management of central servers
* time in chat messages
* bug fixes

If you are on a BSD system, please read this:

Posted by Christian Van Brussel 2003-07-29

Beta 0.5.1 released

The main features of this release are bug fixes.
See release history for details at

We are still opening the project to other programmers, so if you are interested, contact us at

Posted by Christian Van Brussel 2003-06-27

Beta 0.5.0 released

The main features of this release are:

fixed the problem that made the server unavailable
it works if the user is behind a NAT
much more easy to install and configure
some improvements in the appearance
bug fixes

We are also opening the project to other programmers. If you are interested, contact us at

Posted by Christian Van Brussel 2003-06-16

Beta 0.3.0 and 0.4.0 released!

Seems that lot of time has passed since the last release! So, the project is not dead and the mole is still digging its way.

We worked a lot since release 0.2.1, but we never got the time to release the changes we made. We then worked on other projects to try to earn some money (seems to be necessary in this world), and went back to HeavyMole recently.

And HeavyMole is back! With a MS Windows version!
A word on this MS Windows version: at first time we thought we'll ever release only some GNU/Linux/Unix releases in the hope to give a cool software only to this world, and to give another reason fo MS Windows users to migrate to these better systems.
We changed our opinion principally for two reason: HeavyMole is a sharing application and sharing is something that has to be done with the most people as possible (otherwise it can be some kind of MS Windows users racism...), and giving a MS Windows and GPLed version of a Unix program is a good way to promote the GPL world and can also motivate users to migrate to a GNU/Linux system.... read more

Posted by Christian Van Brussel 2003-05-27

The mole is still alive!

We're working on a new version of HeavyMole that will also run on MS windows...come back soon

Posted by Louis Antoine 2003-04-01

Beta 0.2.1 relased - help us and try it

This release compiles on gcc 2.96 and fixes one major and a few minor bugs.

It is working, so please help us: install it, try it and tell us if you experience some troubles. You can also contact us if you have any comment/suggestion to do. There should be some files to download.

You can also check for troubleshooting.

If it seems to work, it would also be cool that you let it run so that other people find you when they connect.... read more

Posted by Louis Antoine 2001-05-08

Beta 0.2.0 released

Check release notes and ChangeLog for details

Go to for instructions on installing and running HeavyMole

Posted by Louis Antoine 2001-04-30

Beta 0.2.0 released very soon

The beta is ready. It is mainly for test purposes, to lead to a stable version.
We are waiting for someone to host a HeavyMole daemon to release it.

Posted by Louis Antoine 2001-04-19

beta 0.1.1 released: check release notes before downloading

check release notes before downloading !!!

Posted by Louis Antoine 2000-11-28

beta 0.1.1 ready but we need a place to host the daemon

if you know some place please contact us at

Posted by Louis Antoine 2000-11-28

new beta planned on Nov 23

Check the news at our home page

Posted by Christian Van Brussel 2000-11-22

first beta release!!!

still unstable but all principal fonctionnalities are present

Posted by Louis Antoine 2000-11-15