
Hc Chatbot Alpha 2

We published Hc Chatbot 1 Alpha 2. It includes some bug fixes. The next Version will be a beta version with a grafical admin panel. So please wait a little time because that isn't very easy.

Here you see our Relase plans:

Alpha1 => Alpha2 => Beta1 => Beta2 => Release Candidate1 => (Release Candidate2) => Stable

You see our status in bold letters.

The following changes were done in our new version

Bug: Logs didn't have a name (fixed)
Bug: The question "Wer bin ich" didn't give a reponse (deleted)
Idea: Save the file "fragen.txt" to the folder logs (changed)

Please help us to find bugs and new ideas and post them on the forum. The Bug & Idea Forum is for users without an account open.

So, please help us. After we published our Beta1 we want to publish the "Translators Guide"

Please write us a review.

Posted by Hc Devolopment 2012-03-01

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