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  • hanif19

    hanif19 - 2011-11-30


    Havalite, a lightweight, open source CMS Blog based on php and SQLite db. It's licensed under the GNU General Public License.


    Simple 1 step wizard installation.
    Text, Images and swf files all saved as data in Sqlite Database.
    Two different image sizes: Original and Thumnail.
    Backup for the whole system including images in only one Sqlite file.
    SqLite3 and above allows storing Blobs and a better Utf-8 performance.
    Many image filters (require GD Extenssion).
    Export database to any Server without changing a single line or database structure.
    A lite weight and clear interface.
    Many Interface languages done on the fly with our language Creator Tool.
    CKEditor a great WYSIWYG Text-Editor.
    integration of third-party Plugins, specially jQuery, with the ability of plugin configuration.
    plenty of useful functions for Theme creation + Theme Preview, and Plugins Creation.
    RSS Feeds for Posts, Categories and Comments.
    A Mobile Detector to switch in Mobile mode.
    Live update within 2 seconds (version 1.0.9 and above).


    Apache webserver with mod_rewrite and .htaccess file support enabled.
    php5 or above with PDO and SqLite3 driver enabled.
    a powerfull Browser (such as Firefox5, Google Chrom) with activted javaScript.
  • hanif19

    hanif19 - 2012-11-12

    To see all plugins for havalite CMS here:


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